Chapter 38. The World Is Ugly (Dad Gee X Reader)

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WARNINGS: Eating Disorder

For: FrankIerosGuitar_

I glanced over at Mom and Dad, who were deep in conversation already. Bandit was scoffing down chicken nuggets as usual.
One of the child craving foods.

Dad says there's 3 foods any child will eat:
Chicken nuggets,
Spaghetti and macaroni and cheese.
Those are also the only things Bandit eats really...

Anyway, I glanced over at our dog who was laying on the floor next to my chair.
Mom said she has to keep it for a couple weeks until Jimmy is allowed to be around other living organisms.

Part of me wanted to stick my plate under the table and get Cooper the doggo to eat it, but the other part of me wanted to scoff that shit down because it looks so good.

I mean... I've only had a granola bar today. I usually want till later in the day to eat a lot.
I usually just end up puking up whatever I eat because I don't wanna get fat.
Though I feel kinda over weight anyway...

"Y/n?" Bandit took me from my thoughts and I looked at her.
"Why aren't you eating anything? You can have a nugget." She stated, taking a single chicken nugget from her plate then placing it on mine.

She's cute, I'll give her that.
She smiled cutely at me then started scoffing down the rest of her own nuggets.

I wish I was like her... So I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight...

Soon enough, Dad was busy cleaning the table and I was dumping my food in the garbage bin.

"What're you doing, Y/n?" I heard the sound of Mom's voice, making me turn around and look at her nervously.
"Oh I- erm... Cooper uh- Cooper licked my food so I didn't eat any more." I lied and Mom gave me a confused look- like she knew what I was doing.

"Okay." She said unsurely, giving me the side eye.
"I'm telling the truth, trust me." I lied to her face, but she seemed more sure now.

"Well okay." She muttered, still SLIGHTLY unsure but she was sure enough to walk away.

That was close...

Anyway, it was around 9 PM when I went upstairs to go lay down for sleep.
I have school tomorrow morning (Monday), which means I have to see my ex.

Dad took Bandit and I bowling last Saturday and I saw my boyfriend with some skinny blonde girl.

They kissed too...
And everytime I think back to it, it forms a pit in my stomach.

I mean... I know highschool love never lasts but still... I thought he kinda loved me.

As I stared up at my ceiling, I felt the pit of betrayal become accompanied by a serge of hunger.

I am very hungry...
Seeing how I only ate a granola bar today...

It's really late, so Mom and Dad are probably asleep and I know for sure that Bandit is.
Since they're all asleep, they won't see me eat.

Why don't I want people to see me eat?
Because I don't want to seem fat or anything...

So anyway, I kicked off my covers then got out of bed.
The wood floor was cold under my feet, but that's okay. It felt kinda good.

I walked out of my bedroom, slowly closing the door behind me to make sure it doesn't creak so nobody wakes up.

I tip toed into the kitchen, the cold wooden floor creaking under me.
When I reached the kitchen, I opened the fridge and it illuminated the rest of the kitchen.

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