Chapter 33

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A long time ago, on the night of full moon, the moon Goddess created the first werewolf, she had a beautiful black coat with a powerful aura that could dominate any soul.

This made her question the existence of this beautiful yet immortal creature, as giving her such a power seemed wasteful and unbalanced. This werewolf was a shewolf who we know as the first blood werewolf. She had smart and courageous eyes with stand of a queen that could make any soul bow in respect.

She than separated the wolf from the human and placed a few conditions, this shaped the entire dynamic of werewolf history. This rule was only for the linage of first blood wolf which included a sacrifice to restore the balance of the world.

These conditions were, forgiveness, kindness, sacrifice and peace. Through generations only a female child would inherit this ability, at each 100 years a new heir would free the paran.

This is what Avy had to undergo as well. This is why you have loated her and tortured her, you were under the influence of the conditions or rather the curse."

The beta female concluded as she looked at the three males staring at her in shock.

"Umm u can take your time and let it all sink in." She smiled feeling proud.

"Well, umm Britany, hmm... I will jut say this since they won't," Taylor exhaled as she looked at her with concerned eyes.

"You suck at telling stories," he ducked missing the slap which landed on the beta instead.

"Oww," Eric wailed as he tried to hold both of her hands down.

"You know as much as I hate to admit it but Taylor is right," the Aplha commented with a smile, "you sure do suck for storytime, ah my poor future Beta's, they will suffer," he teased as the beta couple blushed at the thought of having babies.

"Whatever, I will simply send them to Avy, she is a better story teller anyways," she rolled her eyes.

"So now what?" Britany asked as the Alpha signed.

"So that explains why I hated her, it wasn't my true feelings rather the influence," he wisphered as sadness swirled in his eyes.

He reached for her hand.

"I am sorry" he wisphered, kissing her hand.

The room fell silent as the three high ranks observed their Alpha. His eyes were moist.

"I am sorry Avy, it was not what I intended my love. Please do forgive me." He wishpered.

"Alpha," Brittany called slowly, taking everyone by surprise. It was the first time for her to acknowledge him as the Alpha.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at him. "It was not your fault, it was rather the test of destiny." She noted.

"Bri," Eric called as his arms around her tightened reassuring. "Did you just-"

"Yes," she wisphered. "Yes, I did." She confirmed. "He is not like others, love. He is different." She smiled with a nod.

" I am feel blissed Brittany, blissed that you are able to respect me now as a Alpha. Though I am curious of what changed?" Alpha Zander asked as cupped his Luna's hand.

"It's that, you did not have a omega, no matter what they did you always rule with equality and fairness, something I did not wish to acknowledge for what you did to her. But now, after knowing the influence of the test or rather the curse, I know I can trust you. You are not like the Alpha I knew, you are a Alpha with a heart, it's just that you got exploited." She noted as everyone looked at her in shock.

"Brittany,  I never knew, I was just... it was just" his words stuck in his throat, Taylor made his way to him, unsure of the approach. 

"There.... there" he hesitated in an attempt to comfort his Alpha. 

"Wow, you really suck at this" Brittany commented, earning a scowl from him. "At least I am trying, Jeez give me a break." he replied in annoyance. 

"That's enough you two, let's leave and let Alpha have his time with Luna" Eric commanded as he picked his wrapped mate. 

"Good thing the dog is wrapped or else she might be out traumatizing the entire pack." Taylor commented earning a growl. 

"And caged, thanks Beta" He winked fueling her further. 

"That's enough," Eric smiled at his struggling mate. "You can never escape from me anyway, Love" he whispered enjoying red spilled through her face, reaching her ears adorably.  

They left as the Alpha reached out for Avy's hand; a tear rolled down his cheek followed by the second. 

"Avy" he caressed her cheeks. "I promise you, I will not let any power ever harm you, harm us or our pack. I promise you I will also bring back Izzy just please please please.." he sobbed

"Please, be my Avy Grace again" he held her hand to his lips as he pleaded. "Please be my enegetic Avy Grace again, please be my.... strong,, luna again" his voice broke.

"I ne- need you Grace, I ..... I love you" I pleaded.

I promise you, my Luna. once all this is done, I will formally tell you how much you mean to me. I will tell the world of my love for you me sweet. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 29 ⏰

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