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Demi's POV :

I felt hurt after I had been away so long and when I came back everyone gave me a hug except Em. When she pushed past me and ran up the stairs I knew something was up, so I left her for a while and now here I am standing outside her bedroom door listening to her sniffling coming from the other side. I knocked and there was no answer so I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I entered the room and she wasn't there. I could see a light shining through the gap at the bottom of the bathroom door indicating she was in there. I went up to the door and put my ear against it listening to her sobbing over the running water in the shower. Each and every one made my heart sink lower and lower and soon enough I had tears threatening to spill over.

"Em, are you okay?" I asked knocking on the door before walking to sit on her bed as I waited for her.

"Demi I'm fine please leave." I heard her say as she turned the tap on in the bathroom. She eventually opened the door and I could instantly see she wasn't happy with my presence. "Why are you still here?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Because I wanted to make sure you were okay. You acted out earlier and that wasn't like you, I'm worried."

"Demi have you ever thought maybe this is how I am now and you just don't know me anymore?" She exclaimed still angry with me.

"Em, you're still my baby sister, I'll always know you no matter how long I'm away for. Why are you acting like this towards me, do you hate me or something?"

"Well this time is different, I've changed and everything around me has shaped me into this person. You weren't there to contribute to shaping me into the teenager I am now so you don't get to judge me. Hey, at least I'm not doing the same things you were at my age." She said almost laughing. Wow, what the fuck was the need for that? I know I fucked up big time as a teenager but there's no need to throw it in my face. She blatantly ignored my question asking if she hated me as well.

"So you do hate me then?" I asked again.

"I'll let you figure that one out on your own." She said as she sat at her desk and started writing something on her laptop. I sat amazed at what had just left her mouth until I heard the door shut. Oh my god, maybe I am a shitty sister, maybe if I had been here to help fight that attitude she wouldn't hate me and use it against me.

"Okay, I'll leave since I'm clearly not wanted here." I said walking out with tears threatening to spill over.

Emily's POV :

I know what I said was unnecessary, but I politely asked her to leave and she wouldn't. My door was still open and just as I was about to get up and close it, mom appeared in the archway. Staring at me with her arms crossed.

"Demi is downstairs crying, why would you say that to her?"

"Because... Okay I know I went too far but I wanted her to know the truth."

"Emily," she said walking over to sit next to me on my bed."Have you ever thought that, maybe she is actually there, you've just never gone to her or you're pushing her away every time she tries to be there for you? I know she's away a lot and I miss her too babygirl, I wish she was around more as well, but she's following her dreams and that's all I've ever wanted and it's what you should want for her as well." She continued.

"I guess... I'm sorry, I went overboard."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to." She said pulling me into her chest and kissing the top of my head.

"I love you, mom."

"Love you too sweetie." She said, we both got up and went down the stairs. Mom went into the kitchen and I stood in the archway to the living room watching Demi's tears roll down her face as she watched the TV. I cleared my throat and she looked up at me through red puffy eyes. She looked hurt and a little scared. I don't know why she was crying so hard, what I said wasn't that bad, was it? I walked over and sat on the couch next to her wrapping my arms around her small frame. Feeling her so close was something that hasn't happened in what felt like years. I still felt the same as I did when I was 10, safe, I always felt safe with Demi this close to me even if I did hate her at times. I melted in to her warm embrace and actually forgot she had been crying until a few minutes later I looked up and found her sleeping. Mom walked in and a smile spread across her face at the sight of us snuggled into each other. She pulled out her phone to take a picture and I stuck my tongue out as she hit capture and I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket knowing she had just tweeted it.


A/N Ahh, sisterly love for once but will it last?? Please comment and vote if you enjoyed. 💚

The Forgotten Lovato Sister - Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now