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Emily's POV :

I leaned against the door and put my head in my hands, seeing Demi again brought back too many memories, good and bad. I walked into the bathroom and slid down the door until my ass reached the floor. 

School had just finished and I walked home alone. I reached the door and walked in to be welcomed with a tight hug from Demi
"Hey kiddo, how was school?" She asked letting go of me with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Do I even need to answer that, we all know school sucks" I answered sarcastically raising an eyebrow as Demi let out a cackle.
"Well Mum, Dad, and Maddie are out shopping so tell me when you want dinner" she informed me as I walked into the living room taking my bag off my shoulder and getting my homework out.
"Why didn't you go shopping, you love shopping?" I asked finishing one of my maths problems
"Couldn't be bothered" she sighed
(2 hours later)
I had finished my homework and was sprawled out on the couch watching sponge-bob on TV. I felt like a big kid watching it even though I'm 10, but then again you're never too old for watching sponge-bob. Demi shouted on me to tell me that dinner was ready and I walked into the kitchen to see only one plate. I sat down at the table and Demi sat beside me, I don't know why but having her close made me feel safe.
"Why don't you have anything to eat?" I asked looking up from my dinner, I don't know why but when I asked her that her face saddened.
"I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat later," she said breaking eye contact.
"You say that every time and you don't though" I pouted and she sighed knowing I was right. She got up and put a tiny spoonful of mac n cheese in a bowl and brought it over to the table for herself. She sat down and picked up the fork, sighing as she stabbed a few pieces of the pasta slowly putting it in her mouth. I swear she was chewing that for like 10 minutes before she swallowed it, she ate about a quarter of it then binned the rest and ran upstairs saying she needed the toilet. I sat in the living room as the door opened and the rest of the family came in. A few hours later I went upstairs to find Demi because it was family movie night. I got to her door and opened it, walking in but the room was empty. So I turned around and needing the toilet I walked to the bathroom. I opened the door to see Demi sitting against the bath with blood running down her arm. I went to scream when Demi jumped up and put her hand over my mouth
"I'm fine Em, it was an accident. Silly me" she removed her hand from my mouth. She gently closed the door
"You can't tell anyone else about this, I don't want anyone to know how silly I am, okay?" she whispered. I obliviously nodded shocked from all the blood as she rinsed her arm in the sink, bandaged it and rolled her sleeve down. She opened the door and walked out with me.
*end of flashback* 

That was the first time I caught Demi cutting, and now here I am in the same position, sitting with my back to the door twirling the shiny piece of metal in my fingers. I lay the blade on my wrist staring at the rest of my arm. From my wrist up to my elbow was covered in scars, 1 shallow vertical and the rest horizontal. I sat there staring at my wrist when the door shook as someone knocked on it. I jumped about 10 feet in the air almost dropping the blade. That was a noise I knew I could never ever let Demi or anyone else hear.


A/N Please comment and vote if you enjoy. I just want to make it clear I definitely am not trying to advertise self-harm. If you do self-harm you are so much stronger than that. Please don't hurt yourself and don't be afraid to message me if you feel the need to. ❤️

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