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Emily's POV:

Max and I had been talking at the table for a while now, we added each other on snapchat and exchanged numbers so we could keep in touch and it turns out he only lives 20 minutes away. He's a really nice guy and to be brutally honest I could totally see this going further than friends but I'm just gonna keep pushing my feeling for him away because heartbreak is the last thing I need right now and I highly doubt he feels the same way. I feel like I can trust him with anything and I think that's something that's really rare, or at least I've never experienced it.

"I better get going, but it was nice running into you," I said smiling and getting lost in his brown eyes that were glistening in the sunlight that shone through the window.

"At least let me drive you home?" He said returning the smile.

"Oh it's okay you don't have to do that" I said standing up and getting ready to walk away when he grabbed my arm, just missing my cuts and spun me around where I found myself gazing into his eyes again.

"I know I don't need to, but I want to so please let me." He smiled.

"Fine then...." I fake sighed and he pretended to be hurt.

"Come on doofus." I giggled playfully punching his shoulder. We left Starbucks, walking into the car park and stood there for a minute just admiring the sunset. He led me to his white Lexus LFA, which is an absolutely stunning car might I add. When we got to his car he walked around to the passenger's side and opened the door then gestured me to get into the car. I sat in the leather black seat and Max got in the other side after shutting my door.

"Why such a gentleman?" I giggled.

"I'm not, I know how a fine lady like yourself should be treated." He smirked raising an eyebrow. "Okayyyy, so where to?" He asked looking at me once he got in the car.

"Just down the road, I'll point out the house." He started the engine and pulled out of the car park driving down the street. "Just here on the right." I said pointing at my house.

"Wow, nice house." He said. He got out the car and just as I was about to do the same he locked the car. He started laughing as he made his way around the car then opened my door.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked trying not to laugh but it was no use.

"Yup." He said gazing into my eyes, for just a bit too long. He leaned in to kiss me, but I just couldn't do it and pulled back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He said holding his hands up.

"No, it wasn't you. I'm sorry, I'm just not ready. I want to take, whatever this is, slow." I clarified leaning in to kiss his cheek and when I pulled back we smiled at each other.

"It's fine, I respect you don't want to go too fast, so just tell me if you think we are."

"Thank you for understanding. See ya later." He opened his arms for a hug and I willingly jumped into them.

"Bye Emily, snap or text me later?" He asked letting go of me.

"Definitely" I replied, he shot me a smile and got back in his car before driving off into the distance. I walked into the house and flopped on the couch. He is so perfect. I'm definitely falling for him.

Max's POV:

I'm honestly so glad I was craving a coffee this morning. Meeting Emily was such a blessing and I'm so happy I ran into her. She's such a beautiful girl and I think I'm falling for her. Kissing on the first date is something I'd usually never do but I couldn't help myself, it's like something took over me when I was standing staring into her gorgeous green eyes. Sure I'm a little hurt she rejected our it but I want her to be comfortable around me so I can wait.

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