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Demi's POV :

I went back to my room after giving Emily a piece of my mind. I lay watching scandal when I heard someone faintly talking from another room. I got up to investigate and also because I was bursting for the toilet. I followed the sound of talking and it led me to Emily's door. I put my ear against the door and heard she was talking to a guy. She was talking about what happened and how mom wouldn't believe her when she said she was standing up for a friend that was getting bullied. To be honest I'm not sure I believe that either. After hearing enough I went to the toilet and back to bed. I pressed play on Netflix and continued watching Scandal but after 20 minutes I realized I had missed like half of the episode because I was too busy thinking. A light bulb switched on in my head and I paused the show. Maddie happens to come home with a black eye the same day Emily gets suspended for bullying and she's saying she was standing up for someone, but not saying who. Coincidence? I think the fuck not. Either Emily's tried to knock her own sister out or Maddie's the 'friend' she was standing up for. I got up and walked straight into Emily's room without knocking, she sat at her desk on her laptop and turned around, looking dissatisfied to see me.

"It was fucking Maddie wasn't it."

"Demi, what the fuck are you talking about? Get out of my room, it's midnight and I'm about to go to my bed. I don't have time for you coming into my room and just spouting random shit without any context or meaning."

"It was fucking Maddie, I saw the bruise. The person that you wouldn't name and tried to tell mom about but she wouldn't believe you." Her eyes widened and I could see rage written all over her face.

"You listened into my call with Max didn't you?"

"Maybe" I rolled my eyes. "But I'm right, aren't I?"

"I can't fucking believe you! You come in telling me how much of a disappointment I am then standing outside and eavesdrop when I tell the situation to someone who will actually listen. Someone who actually tried to understand and believed in me instead of what everyone else was saying. Why the fuck would I bully someone Demi, look at me, do I look like the kind of fucking person that would bully someone." She ranted starting to tear up. Oh my god what have I done? She thinks we don't believe in her and that she's a disappointment. Oh fuck. "I know a while back I said I had changed and wasn't the same person you thought I was but for fucks sake, I haven't stooped that low and it actually hurts that you think I have." She continued. I watched as a tear dripped down her cheek and felt the biggest wave of guilt ever wash over me.

"Emily tell me what happened, I believe in you and I'm here to listen now." I said trying to take a different calmer approach to the situation.

"No Demi you're too fucking late. You made up your mind when you came in here shouting at me without asking my side of the story, so you can fuck off and take your random accusations without context with you." She said turning back to her laptop.

"Emily I'm sorry." I said sitting on her bed. She ignored me and continued typing on her laptop while sniffling as she tried to hold the tears back. I sat trying to think of things to say but came up with nothing.

"Can you please just leave me alone?" Her voice cracked. I sighed and got up making my way to the door, I stood for a second watching her jaw clench and teeth grind together, something she always did to stop herself from crying.

"Emily I'm so sorry." I repeated before leaving and closing her door. I waited for a second and heard her breakdown. I sat against the wall outside her room listening to her quiet muffled sobs until I eventually started crying as well. I fucked up big time. I literally tweeted about it and everything. I should've asked her side of the story. I should've believed in her. I sat listening to her from outside for a while. Surely there's more that she's crying about, I feel like some of the things she was saying were like her deep insecurities but she didn't say it explicitly. Like when she talked about Max understanding and believing in her. Maybe she thinks we don't care about her or believe in her. I got up and knocked quietly on the door again as I couldn't sit and listen to her cry any longer.

"Go away." She said, pain present in her voice. I opened the door and walked in, sitting on the bed beside her.

"Emily I'm so sorry, please forgive me." I pleaded trying to pull her into a side hug but she pulled away and scooted further up the bed, then sitting in the corner leaning against the wall with her head in her hands. "Emily, what's wrong? I know we hurt you but I can tell this is more than what you're letting on," I sighed, I know this is my fault but it still hurt to see her in this state. "Please talk to me babygirl." I urged her. Emily had never really been one to communicate her feelings. Very rarely will she tell you what you've done wrong and why she's mad at you and she literally never ever tells anyone when she's upset. When she phoned me the other day crying then hung up? Yeah, that was an absolute fluke and she's never done that before. Of course, there was the time before when she called and I missed it because I was at rehearsals but I still never found out why she was upset that day either. That's her biggest downfall, she's so stubborn and if she doesn't want to tell you something, you're literally never gonna know. So many things go unanswered with her and it's so fucking frustrating.

"Demi," she whispered snapping me out of my daydream. I looked at her worried about what she was going to say next but she stayed silent. She looked conflicted, on how she was feeling towards me right now, she didn't know if she wanted to hug me or hit me. I took a chance and tried to pull her into my embrace and surprisingly she let me. I stroked her hair as she calmed down and we sat in silence, I almost nodded off until Emily sighed. "You were right," she said. "It was Maddie I was standing up for in school, I was having a bad day and Maddie ran up to me breathing really heavy and almost crying. A group of little girls had chased her to me and started throwing abuse at both of us. I warned the girl and she kept going, seriously testing my patience. She flung a punch at Maddie and I caught her hand and lost control, I grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up against the lockers and gave her one last warning. That's the part the teacher seen, of course, he hadn't seen all the bullshit this little girl had been doing to Maddie prior, he only saw me giving her what she needed." She explained.

"What a little badass," I giggled. "but you know you can't always resort to violence."

"Here we go, the violence speech. Demi, I'm sorry but I don't care. If you were in my position getting abuse off of a cheeky little 10 year old girl you would've done the exact same thing. Sorry to say it, but I don't regret it. Only thing I'll probably regret is telling you." She pulled away.

"Why?" I said feeling kinda hurt.

"Because Maddie didn't want anyone knowing and I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, especially you because of your past with the same issue. We knew you'd go off on a tantrum and tell mom and Eddie and they'd make it all worse by informing the school or something. So please promise me right here right now that you won't tell anyone." She said raising a pinky.


"No Demi, no depends. Please just fucking promise me okay, I shouldn't have told you in the first place." She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Did that sort the problem? Are they leaving Maddie alone now?"

"Yes, now promise me." She ordered. I linked pinkies with her and that was it. I knew I had to keep my mouth shut now from now on. "Thank you." She sighed. I nodded and got up to leave.

"Goodnight Emily." I smiled.

"Night." She answered not making eye contact. It wasn't the loving kind of response I had hoped for but it was better than nothing.


A/N I'm so sorry for splitting one day/event over like 4 chapters btw. I've never really realized how bad I am for it until now but if I didn't then 1 chapter would be a good 5000/6000 words long which is a lot of wattpad pages.

Anyways if you enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment! 💕

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