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Emily's POV:

I stood quietly knocking and whispering to her through the door, because I knew the last thing she would want right now is for Demi to hear the commotion and come up the stairs to investigate.


"What?" She sniffled.

"Make a deal with me?"


"If you come out right now I'll put makeup over your bruises and Demi will never know." I said, it was my last hope because I knew sooner or later we'd have to see Demi, and Maddie obviously doesn't want Demi or anyone else to see the bruises. I quickly and quietly walked to my room, grabbing concealer and foundation then walking back to Maddie's room. I tried my best with what I was dealing with and it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.

"Girls!" Eddie shouted from the bottom of the stairs "Dinners ready."

"Coming!" We both replied in unison. I looked at Maddie concerned.

"You gonna be okay?" I asked. She nodded and I wrapped an arm around her and we both made our way downstairs. Just before we entered the kitchen Demi jumped out from behind us. We both screamed then hugged her.


Demi's POV :

When I scared the girls and they turned around the first thing that caught my eye was Maddie's face. I know she had makeup on but it wasn't good enough to hide the massive blue and black bruise that lay beneath it. I have a trained eye for this kinda shit since I had experience covering my own. To be fair whoever applied the make up did a really good job, just not good enough to fool me. We all ate dinner and I couldn't stop looking at Maddie. Who would hurt that beautiful face? Who did hurt it? Is she getting bullied? The thoughts spun in my head and made my stomach turn. I felt sick and didn't want to eat. I put my fork down on the table and everyone turned to look at me.

"Mom, I don't feel too good. Do you mind if I go for a nap?" I asked.

"Sure sweetie. It's probably travel sickness. You sure you'll be okay? Do you want anything?"

"No thanks mom. I'm fine, just tired" I fake yawned and went upstairs lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling as thoughts spun out of control in my head. I heard a knock on my door and looked over to see Maddie.

"Hey babygirl." I said smiling at her. She burst into a sprint before jumping on my bed and cuddling into me.

"I missed you so much Dems." She whispered

"I missed you too babygirl." I said playing with her hair. She lay with her arm slung across me and her head on my stomach for a few minutes before I broke the silence,


"Yeah?" She said

"How'd you get that big ass bruise?"

Maddie's POV :

My heart beat increased at the question. How was I meant to cover this.

"Um I got into a fight." I mumbled still lying with my head on her stomach avoiding eye contact.

"Wait, what? Why? Who?"

"What one do I answer first?" I forced a chuckle giving me time to think of a lie, she stayed silent and I knew she wasn't very entertained.

"Seriously Mads. What happened?"

"Ugh." I sighed

"Maddie look at me." She said no longer playing with my hair. I lifted my head off her stomach to look at her. She gently held my face rubbing her thumb over my cheek. "Is someone bullying yo-"

"No, I was just standing up for a friend and it got physical." I cut her off, she looked at me with an unsure look on her face. "Seriously nothing else happened. I swear." I said with a straight face that I think she believed.

"Okay then, but I'm always here if anything does happen."

I nodded and she pulled me back into her side.


Emily's POV :

"So who was your date meant to be with tonight?" Mom said as we ate dinner without Maddie and Demi. To be honest, I forgot I hadn't told mom and Eddie about Max. Guess she doesn't keep up to date with TMZ and all the other articles that have been released about Max Schneider's 'possible new girlfriend.'

"Well it doesn't matter now does it?" I snapped. I would've killed to be out on that date with him instead of here playing a game of 20 questions.

"Of course it matters, I just wanted you to learn your lesson."

"What happened?" Eddie asked putting a mouthful of spaghetti in his mouth.

"I got a phone call from the school office asking to pick her up as she's been suspended." Mom answered as if she enjoyed grassing on me. I drew my mom a dirty look. "For picking on and bullying two different girls in the one day may I add." She continued. What the fuck was the need for that, anger started building up as Eddie looked at me with a disappointed expression but didn't say anything.

"I wasn't actually bullying her mom! I was standing up for a friend but you never believe anything I say so what's the point." I replied trying to keep my cool.

"What friend?" My mom asked raising her brow with a slight smirk, she didn't believe me and she had no interest in trying to. Why does she never just believe in her own fucking child. Do I look like the kind of person who would go about bullying people? No. The scars up and down my arms because of bullying could answer that question for you.

"Well she's not actually my friend. I just seen her getting picked on by someone who used to annoy me so I helped her out." My mom and Eddie both looked at each other exchanging the 'she's talking shit' look. "Please don't tell Demi about this" I pleaded regardless of whether they believed me or not.

"Tell Demi about what?" Demi asked as she sauntered through the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and sitting beside me at the table. My mom and Eddie somehow managed to slink out of the kitchen leaving just me and Demi sitting at the table.

"Um nothing." I said standing up and walking over to the sink with my plate.

"Why are you so stubborn? Bet it's not even a big deal." She said taking a sip of water. I stayed silent. "You gonna tell me or do I need to squeeze it out of you like I always do?" She raised an eyebrow and I shook my head.

"Always do unsuccessfully." I rolled my eyes correcting her.

"Come on Emily, what's the big secret and why do you need to hide it from your big sister?"

"Demi drop it, I'm not telling you." I said starting to get annoyed. First mom and now Demi. I feel like fucking everything is against me today. Nothing was actually keeping me in the kitchen so I stormed out and ran upstairs. I walked into my room and sighed as I flopped on to my bed. Hours passed and before I knew it, it was 10pm. I felt a wave of tiredness pass through my body and went into the bathroom to do my usual nightly routine before getting tucked up in bed and falling asleep.


A/N Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!! 💕

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