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Emily's POV :

Max had just dropped me off and gave me a goodbye hug that I wish lasted forever but it had to come to an end at some point. He sped off down the street and I opened the door to have suitcases basically fall on top me. I walked further into the house to see what looked like a family gathering in the middle of the living room. Demi was going around hugging everyone.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Em... can you please not get angry at me for this." She asked grabbing my arm and dragging me into the kitchen for privacy.

"No promises." I replied already getting mad.

"I need to do a charity concert." She said already looking ashamed.

"Wow, you stayed for a grand total of 3 days. Must be a record. And you blatantly lied to me during those three days, your promise didn't even last 24 hours." I rolled my eyes with a lump in my throat. I know the way I act towards her isn't right but its a defense mechanism and I fucking hate liars and she's the biggest one out. If you know you can't keep a promise then don't make it.

"No Em, don't say that. I'll always be there for you, I'm just a phone call away." She said with sorry eyes and guilt in her voice.

"Yeah well what am I gonna do when I'm sad and want one of your hugs and need you to tell me it'll all be okay? Huh?" I said, my voice finally cracking and shaky from the tears that are about to spill over.

"You said you'd always be there for me!" I yelled, starting to have a full-on meltdown leaving Demi speechless as I turned sprinting up the stairs. I ran into my room and collapsed on to my bed letting sadness and depression take over my body.


I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep as I felt the bed move and sink beside me. I felt Demi's arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled in to her warm embrace. Even though I hate her right now it always made me feel safe and loved when she did this. Just as my eyelids were getting heavy and I nearly fell asleep I heard Demi whisper

"I'm sorry for everything, from now on I'm always here and I'll never leave you again, I promise." I almost smiled at the thought that Demi was trying to make it up to me but she never keeps her promises.

*End of Flashback*

Just remembering last night made my heart sink. I knew she wouldn't keep her promise, but I still had hope that she actually wouldn't leave this time and we would work through our issues, until tonight when that hope got brutally crushed. Usual. I just wish I had someone who was truly there for me and meant it when they said they won't leave.


A/N Will Demi leave or will she stay for Em's sake....?

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