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Emily's POV :

(1 week time skip)

A week had flown past since Demi came back. Surprisingly she stayed for the whole week but no doubt she'll be going away soon. This time she actually tried so hard to make it up to me and I respect her for that. We went on several shopping sprees, watched movies and the usual girly things, eg hair, makeup, and nails. Anyways it was 7 am on a Monday fucking morning and I was getting ready for the first day back at school after spring break. Ugh, school. I walked over to my dresser pulling the drawer open and taking out my outfit for the day; vest top which you won't be able to see under my grey hoodie along with a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. I took the pile of clothes into the bathroom and went for a shower. When I was dressed I brushed and curled my newly dyed hair which was now an ombré since Demi convinced me to do something I'd never normally do. Even though I only dyed the tips blonde I think it makes a difference, a nice difference. I know, I actually just said I like something about myself. Truth is, I've been a lot happier because everything is sitting in place, I'm in a good place with Max and Demi and I'm closer to Zoe than ever before but I can sense it's all gonna come crashing down because I'm going back to school. I sighed and left my room, hair curled, dressed, makeup done and ready for this shitty day ahead of me. The doorbell rang as I was walking down the stairs, I opened the door revealing Logan, Maddie's best friend. I pulled her into a side hug then gestured for her to go to the living room and wait for Maddie. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket before sauntering to the bottom of the stairs.

"Maddie! Come on you're gonna be late!"

"Sorry, is Logan already here?"

"Yeah she's in the living room," I said taking a bite of my apple as Maddie ran down the stairs. I pulled her into a hug and wished her good luck for the day ahead before grabbing my school bag and opening the door, I took a deep breath taking in the fresh air before making my way to the hell hole everyone calls school. I reached the school door, using the majority of my strength to open it. I threw my hood up and began walking, turning left into another hall where my locker was. Just as I thought I had made it without being abused someone stuck their foot out and sent me tumbling towards the ground. Fuck! I shouted inside my head.

"Clumsy bitch," Jenna giggled with her group of morons as she walked up towards me. "I see you've got a new pop star boyfriend, how do you feel about your ugly face being plastered all over social media because of him?" She asked. Bitch, my sisters Demi fucking Lovato, she says that like I've never seen my face online before??

"Are you feeling better now you've insulted me? Can I go now? or do you want to physically bully me as well?" I replied standing up and throwing my bag over my shoulder looking at the group of minions to see who she added to her group this year. Oh, look Ashley's still in it, surprise surprise. She was standing at the back of the group giving me the 'I'm sorry' eyes, sorry to say it but that look doesn't fucking cut it. She's just standing watching me get harassed when she could 110% do something about it but no. I mean sure, Jenna is the queen bee and Regina George of the group but I think queen bees could be convinced to go mess with someone else.

"Now, now Emily. No need to be a bitch." She warned.

"I'm not being a bitch, if anyone's the bitch it's you." I snarled. She raised her hand and swung for my face getting perfect contact with my cheek. I winced holding my face and fell against the locker causing it to make a clattering sound that echoed through the halls. People turned around to see what the noise was and drew dirty looks when they saw it was me.

"Jenna..." Ashley whispered shocked gently holding Jenna's arm trying to pull her back however it didn't work as she only to get pushed out of the way.

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