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Emily's POV :

I walked over to her grabbing her hand and leading her to sit on my bed, before sitting beside her and pulling her into a side hug. I lifted her head up so she was looking at me, the emotion in her eyes made my heart feel like it was being compressed. Whatever it was that made her this upset was something really bad.

"Maddie. What happened?" I asked. She shook her head and started crying again. I pulled her back into my side. "Shh it's okay Maddie. I've got you now. You can trust me. I won't tell anyone." I begged. She pulled out of my grip and wiped her tears "Babygirl? Please?" I continued. She took a deep shaky breath.

"It's the people at school. They call me the same things people on the internet called me." She blubbered.

"Maddie, you can't listen to those people, they don't know who you really are. You're a beautiful, smart and talented little princess that I love to pieces along with the rest of this family. They're just jealous of all of those quality's and want to see you sad okay? Promise me if people in school are being mean to you that you'll come find me?" I asked gently stroking her hair.

"I promise," She said. I sighed in relief and admired the beauty of my little sister as she snuggled into me. "Why do people want to see me sad?" She asked sadness still in her voice making the pain in my chest worse. Like just look at her, why would you ever want to hurt that beautiful little face? My heart genuinely hurt for her because I get the exact same shit except she doesn't deserve it.

"I don't know babygirl, jealousy is a disease. They don't want you to do better than them." I sighed thinking about Jenna, she definitely doesn't do it out of jealousy, there's nothing about me to be jealous of, but I mean jealousy is what everyone resorts to in this situation so I figured I'd just do the same. "Thank you so much for coming to me about this Maddie. I'll always be here for you and so is the rest of the family. No matter how small you think the problem is, our doors are always open." I smiled at her, she nodded and returned the smile. I figured it's best to crush the whole 'it's not important, I don't want to bother anyone' insecurity while she's still young. "If they bother you again come see me and I'll teach them a lesson." I said pretending to crack my knuckles managing to squeeze a small giggle out of her. She nodded her head again.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" She pouted.

"If you must," I joked getting her to laugh, a smile grew on my face as I seen the happiness return to hers. "There's the Maddie I know." I said tickling her. "Now come on, pj's on we have school tomorrow" I sighed internally crying. She huffed and stood up going to her room then returning to mine before falling asleep on my bed. Eventually I drifted off into a deep sleep as well.


I opened my eyes but quickly shut them again as the sun was shining through the window nearly blinding me. My alarm started blaring and that's when I knew it was going to be one of those days that I have 0 tolerance for anyone or anything. Maddie was laying on my arm restricting me from turning the alarm off, the only thing stopping me from throwing it out the window is the fact that it's my phone.

"Maddieeee." I groaned trying to wriggle my arm out from underneath her. "MADDIE!" I yelled in frustration, she jumped up and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry I woke you up like that, let's just get ready for school." I sighed feeling like shit already. She nodded and left my room. I grabbed my white sweater, ripped black jeans and white leather converse then went for a shower and got ready to go to a place where I get judged, bullied and abused, but hey, it's all about the education right? I grabbed an apple and left the house walking to hell aka school.


I made it all the way to 2nd period without running into Jenna and her bitches. The bell went for break, putting my hood up and one earphone in I left the class going to the locker area and just standing there myself. I remembered I had books in my bag that I wasn't going to use today. I yanked the door open in frustration as the code I put in never worked until the third try, I crammed the books in my locker then slammed it shut. I heard something fall inside but I didn't care enough to open it again, that's a problem future me can deal with. I turned around to be greeted by the one and only, you guessed it, Jenna. If I had a dollar for every time this exact scene had happened I'd be able to pay for online schooling.

"Hey slut, how's the lonely-no boyfriend life been?" She asked getting a giggle out of her 'squad.' Obviously the bitch doesn't keep up to date with the gossip because me and Max never officially broke up in the first place and we sorted shit.

"Fucking great until I seen your face and fyi we never broke up." I said mocking her high pitched, annoying and stereotypical white American bitch voice. Today is not the day to be fucking with me.

"You'll fucking regret that." she growled

"You should regret not brushing your teeth this morning, holy shit, ever heard of a fucking breath mint?" I asked, gasps filled the locker area as they were all left stunned at the fact I actually responded to the queen bee. She gasped and frantically started trying to smell her own breath before turning around to check with one of her minions. Funny thing is, they agreed with me and the look on Jenna's face was priceless but it only added fuel to the fire.

"Listen here bitch," she said pulling me even closer to her face "I'll make your life even more of a living hell if you don't shut that mouth of yours." She snapped.

"Yeah I'd like to see you try" I rolled my eyes. As if she could actually make my life any worse than it already is. She released my collar and went to punch me but I caught her fist and twisted her arm around until it couldn't go any further. Her group of gal pals all stood too shocked to help her.

"No, you listen. I'm so fucking done with the bullshit I get from you and your group and I swear to god if you don't leave me alone I will snap. And if you're around when that happens I suggest you run, because I will, one way or another, give you what you deserve. I don't know what I did to you to make you hate me so much but I'm so done with the way you treat me. So leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed. I roughly pushed her arm away. She walked away, dusting herself down and glaring at me. I replied with a smirk and turned around to be greeted, again, by someone I really didn't want to see.


A/N Just in case you haven't noticed yet, I have no idea what the American education system is like as I'm from the UK , so I'm sorry if this is inaccurate.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed! Leave a vote and comment if you did and thank you so much for all the love and support that has been shown towards this story, I appreciate it. 💞

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