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Emily's POV :

It had been two weeks since the incident with Max and I've never felt so low. I missed him, more than I like to admit. I hate coming across as the girl that needs a man, or needs anybody for that matter. I hated it but I missed him so much. I had texted him so many times but he just ignored them. The fear and anxiety over these two weeks of not talking turning into more, then that developing into months then turning into us never talking again is something that haunted me, kept me up at night. I started doubting everything. Maybe he never really loved me.


I walked into school getting dirty looks from literally everyone I caught eyes with. I know everyone hates me but I feel like it was taken to a whole new level today. I don't know if it's because I'm more depressed and I'm just overreacting or if the whole school just happened hate me more today. Fuck knows. I got to my locker after getting insults like 'freak' and 'weirdo' shouted at me, more frequent than usual I'd say. Somehow I ended up being early to class. My anxiety calmed down a bit as I looked around the class to see 3 of the quiet people I had never spoke to, no sign of Jenna so far. The girl in the row in front smiled at me as I walked to my seat. Chloe, I forced a smiled as I've never really had a problem with her. She seems like a nice girl and she's ridiculously pretty, she always has her hair curled and makeup done, which always looks amazing. I'm honestly shocked she's not one of those drop-dead gorgeous instafamous girls. To be honest I've never really understood why she's not popular; she pretty much ticks all the stereotypical popular person boxes minus the 'absolute cow' box, or at least from what I've seen. I started getting my books out of my bag when I felt Chloe turn around and look at me. I glanced up, looking into her hazelly green eyes through her geeky glasses as she threw her long, curly brown hair over her shoulder. My heart rate began to speed up as I prepared myself for whatever abuse I was about to get hit with.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I really like your hair. It's a nice change, suits you." She smiled. I almost choked, what the flying fuck, half decent human beings attend this school? Who would've thought?

"Awww thank you, I love your makeup." I replied, oh my god I'm way too awkward for this shit.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot." She said, we exchanged smiled before she turned back to the front ready for the lesson.


Hours of boredom passed and I attracted every type of disgusted stare there is as I walked through the corridors until eventually I made it to the main entrance. Avoiding eye contact with everyone and everything I walked through the front doors and out into the fresh air. Going to the park for lunch was basically a tradition for me now, a way to avoid Jenna since she usually pranced around the school halls during lunch. Before I even made it to the bench I was decked to the ground. I groaned rolling over on the grass to see Jenna towering over me. My heart rate rapidly increased as I realised it wasn't some stuck up little brat that tripped me up. She wasn't her usual smirky self, she actually looked furious. I rubbed my elbows and attempted to get up only to be pushed back to the ground.

"How fucking dare you!" She screamed in my face.

"How dare I what?" I asked genuinely confused.

"How dare you kiss MY boyfriend!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked. She clicked her fingers and one of her minions handed her their phone. She clicked play on a video that was posted on Instagram by an anonymous account. I've heard of the account before, it's run by someone in the school and everyone sends in 'juicy' videos or pictures to basically expose and bully people, a bit like gossip girl I guess, in fact too much like gossip girl. The video showed me laughing at Ethan then him leaning in to kiss me and ends a split second before I push him away.  I looked at Jenna, terrified of what comes next.

"That's it? you're not even going to deny it? You're making this way too easy." She chuckled.

"I know you're going to fucking beat me up anyway so it wouldn't matter if I did tell you the truth." I argued. I looked around for Ethan since he usually practices here and spotted him. "Ethan!" I shouted in frustration catching his attention. He walked over and looked at the situation with a blank expression. By now Jenna held her foot on my chest pinning me to the grass. Her excitement to punch me in the face was growing by the second.

"Ethan will you please tell your girlfriend you kissed me first?" I asked politely.

"Eh what are you talking about? I sat beside you for a break from practice then you started flirting with me remember? Then you kissed me. Then your boyfriend showed up and from what I heard he broke up with you?" He said with a smug look on his face. I shook my head, I can't believe this shit.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I laughed, unable to fathom what was happening. Ethan walked away and Jenna looked at me with an evil grin. Pinning my arms to the ground I feared that my cuts would show, but luckily I don't think anyone saw them. All her minions except Ashley, who was conveniently absent from this beating crowded round us as she struck me across the face. I screamed in pain, convinced she had just broken my nose as blood dripped from it. She punched me multiple times, screaming things like fat, ugly, slut and telling me to kill myself before I scrambled out from underneath her. I stood on all fours as I tried to catch my breath. I heard the school bell ring and thinking that would be the end of it I tried to push myself to my feet, only to be brutally kicked in the ribs knocking me back to the ground. She may be your average high school bitch but she had a soccer players kick on her. I heard her chuckle and walk away as I lay there spitting blood and choking, each cough sending a razor sharp shooting pain through my abdomen.


Some time later I gathered the strength to move. I trudged back to school in pain heading straight for the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. My lip was burst and my cheekbones were black and blue and numb from the pain. The strong iron scent of blood filled my nostrils and left a warm feeling on my upper lip as I lifted my t-shirt to be greeted with a huge bruise, made up of all the colours in the rainbow. I walked into a cubicle and burst into tears. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I can't handle this shit anymore. Today was just one of those days I didn't have the energy or motivation to do anything, feeling so low only to be kicked down even lower. Literally. I wish I had just jumped when I had the chance, then I wouldn't of lost Max and I wouldn't be in this situation because quite frankly, I wouldn't be here anymore. And right now, sitting here and feeling like this, it's all I want. I just want the pain to end. I wiped my tears taking my phone out and found my shaking hands dialling Demi's number.


A/N Is Demi gonna answer though? If she does how will she react?

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