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*2 months time skip*

Emily's POV :

Demi's been in and out of the country doing various radio stations and shit, I don't really get told what she's doing because we still don't talk that much but I guess I've kinda accepted it. The only thing that's gotten better about school is the little shits that were bullying Maddie have finally stopped. As for me, I don't think Jenna will never stop and even if she did everything she's done will stick with me forever; those cuts will never heal no matter how many band-aids I plaster over them. Well anyway, today is Sunday which means I have to go to hell *cough cough* I mean school tomorrow. Maddie and I were in our separate rooms, mum and dad are downstairs and as for Demi who the fuck knows. The Demi update accounts on Instagram and Twitter know more about her schedule than I do. Apparently, she'll be back soon but I don't know when soon is, at least we made up before she left and as far as I'm aware she kept her big mouth shut about Maddie.

I wrapped myself up in my duvet scrolling through various social medias before falling asleep.


I rolled out of my bed already feeling the urge to cry. I don't want to go to school, I'd much rather stay in my bed and sleep for the 7 hours they keep us captive in that hell hole. I trudged into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face in attempt to wake myself up. I layered makeup on, brushed my hair and changed into my usual attire. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I got an ice tea from the fridge, grabbed my bag and walked to school. When I got there I immediately put my hood up and walked to the locker area, I got my books out and headed to double Chemistry early. I took my seat at the back of the classroom and took my books out my bag. The only reason I show up to school is so I don't disappoint my parents but it doesn't work because I'm probably not the type of daughter they wanted anyway. The bell went and everyone started piling in the door. The teacher stood up and wrote today's lesson on the board.

"Okay class, today we're preparing for an experiment so you will be working in pairs." My heart started beating so fast I actually thought it was gonna jump out my chest. Everyone in the class started picking their pairs and getting excited while I sat at the back of the class alone with sweaty palms. Why do teachers feel the need to make us work in pairs, I'm perfectly capable of accidentally blowing the school up on my own thank you very much.

"Class! Don't get excited, I've already paired you with people who I think you will work well with, not who you get on with." She said, everyone groaned and started trying to debate with her but she was having none of it. She got the class to shut up then began calling out names. I was actually shitting bricks, Jenna is in this class and I actually put a bet on the teacher thinking we would work well together. Real fucking well, I'm sure that would end great. Time seemed to be going slower than normal as she went through the list of names. Eventually, she got to mine.

"Emily Lovato," she called out. My eyes widened and I honestly thought I was about to pass out. Jenna was absent but she sure as hell would make it to school even if she was throwing up blood if she knew we were partners. "You'll be working with Chloe White. And that's the end of the list, if you could all go and sit next to your assigned partner in a quick and sensible manner." I stayed seated and Chloe walked towards me smiling. Bless. If I had been paired with Jenna I probably would've died and I'm not even over exaggerating.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey," I said quietly. We hadn't really spoken a lot since our FaceTime call around two months ago, I'd say she's drifted but that would be inaccurate because we were never really close to begin with, like we got kinda close really fast after that call but it's as if that scared her away and she's been increasingly distant ever since. Despite the distance one thing I could never put past her is trust though, for some reason I feel like I can trust her with a lot, and believe me that doesn't come easy, so for her to just waltz into my life and gain my trust so fast annoys the shit out of me. Believe it or not there was a god few occasions I nearly opened up to her, that's how trustworthy she is, of course I never done it because that's just a terrible idea but the fact I nearly did proves a lot.

The Forgotten Lovato Sister - Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now