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Emily's POV :

"Um, yeah so I found her just wandering about outside, I wanted to see if any of you had seen her before?" Mom joked pointing to Demi.

"Demi!!" Maddie squealed again running towards her and hugging her. Demi looked down at her and smiled then looked at me. I just stood awkwardly, I feel like she hates me and with valid reason if I'm honest. I'm was such an asshole and I still am. She motioned for me to come over for a hug and I felt a wave of relief as I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Awww my girls are all together again." Mom cooed as she joined the group hug.

"Except Dallas of course. She's coming later tonight." She continued.

"Girls night!" Demi exclaimed and we all giggled. Mom went into the kitchen with the bags of shopping and Maddie followed leaving me and Demi.

"Demi I'm so sorry for everything, I was such a bitch, I know you probab-"

"Emily shhh," she said interrupting my 100mph ramble putting her hand over my mouth. "I forgive you, promise. I love you, c'mere." She said pulling me into another hug. I hugged her back tighter,

"I love you too" I mumbled into her shoulder. I pulled out of the hug and walked towards the living room and she followed.

"So what kinda pizza do you want tonight?" She said cheerfully plopping her ass on the couch beside me. Ugh. The thought of the grease and amount of calories made me want to vomit.

"It's a pizza night as well?" I replied trying to conceal my uneasiness.

"What are you talking about?? It's not a girls night without pizza." She laughed turning to watch the TV.

"I'm meant to be on a diet." I said, throwing in a fake laugh to ease the tension I felt may come from that. Sure enough, it did as she nearly gave herself whiplash turning round to look at me.

"A diet from fucking what!? You're sooo skinny, you don't need any diet." She exclaimed.

"Just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I'm trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to eat healthily" I lied, I'm actually trying to eat nothing to lose weight but she doesn't need to know that.

"Are you sure?" She asked raising her a brow.

"Of course I'm sure, bitch why you always gotta doubt me?" I joked.

"Just making sure." She smiled before turning back to the TV. Time passed and the estimated pizza delivery time got closer and closer. The more I eat the more weight I'll put on and the chance of losing Max and everyone else increases. We all settled on watching The Hunger Games until Maddie went to bed, then Scream 4 after debating against it with Demi for like half an hour but we all gave in. It was almost dinner time and I was dreading it. I stood in my room staring at myself in the full-length mirror pointing out every single thing I hated about myself along with every imperfection and flaw. I hate my "curves" aka fat. I hate that my thighs touch. I hate that I can't see my ribs.

"Emily, Pizza's here!!" I heard Demi shout from downstairs. Well, here we go. I need to force myself because no one knows about my eating disorder and it needs to stay that way. I walked downstairs and into the living room. I stood in the archway debating whether I wanted to do this or not. Just the smell of the pizza made me feel sick. I fought the urge to run up the stairs and walked further into the living room, sitting down beside Mom and Demi. Everyone was that busy eating they didn't notice I came down. I picked up a slice of pizza and stared at it. All I could see was the number of calories in it and how fat it would make me. The faster I ate it the faster all this would be over with. I ate two slices within the space of 5 minutes along with drinking like a liter of water to wash it down. By around 9.30pm the pizza had been demolished and The Hunger Games had ended, so Maddie went to bed leaving Mom, Demi, Dallas and I to watch Scream 4. Dallas lay across Mom on one couch and I sat with Demi on the other one. Demi hit play and we all watched as the movie started. I tried to put up a strong and fearless front throughout the movie, which obviously never worked as Demi pulled me into her side and I hid my face with my blanket at every scary or suspenseful part of the film. Eventually, the movie was over and it was time to go to sleep. I walked up the stairs and my bedroom.

You have to do it

If you don't you'll gain and you don't want that, you're already fat enough

Do it now and wake up skinnier

My demons screamed as I glanced at the toilet in the bathroom joined to my room. I pulled my phone out and pressed play on Spotify, turning the volume up loud enough so no one could hear me as I walked in a trance to the bathroom. I pulled the toilet seat up, kneeling down and bending over the toilet. I threw up every single thing I ate tonight and flushed the toilet, putting the toilet seat back down before brushing my teeth and washing my face. I opened the door and walked out into my bedroom, changing into pjs and tucking myself under the covers before falling into a deep sleep.

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