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Emily's POV :

I zigzagged through the crowded halls and got to the girls bathrooms. I went into a cubicle and put the toilet seat down. I sat on it then took my blade out of my bag. There was one new cut for each insult that got thrown my way in the first class of the day. I stopped when i felt satisfied and slightly light headed. Using toilet paper I bandaged my arm before rolling my sleeves down. I opened the door and walked to the sink, I leaned on the edge of it and stared into the mirror. All the things I got called today were spinning in my head as I stared at myself.






I could see every single one of them in that reflection. It's all right in front of me. I can see what they see. I seen the door open but kept my head down and started washing my hands. I flinched as someone's hand touched my shoulder,

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" I heard Chloe say.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied staring at my hands as I washed them. I kinda held something against Chloe now, I can totally see her not liking me but just staying low-key about it. Why is she asking me this? She probably doesn't even care.

"No you're not." she sighed, a look of sorrow written on her face as she looked at me in the mirror.

"What makes you think I'm not?" I gulped, turning to look at her.

"I saw your face in that class and I can see it in your eyes now. You're not okay." She said staring into my soul. I looked down breaking the eye contact as I couldn't handle it any longer. The bell went and I wiped my cheeks quickly trying to clean myself up. She opened her arms and motioned for a hug and I willingly took the opportunity.

"You'll be okay, I promise." She whispered tightening her grip around me. My lip quivered as I found her words hard to believe and my tears threatened to spill again. Get it together Em, one FaceTime call doesn't render the friendship strong enough for you to break down like this in front of her. I took a deep breath as we let go of each other and I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Thanks, I really needed that" I smiled at her then walked out of the bathroom and headed for the next class; Maths.


I made it through another 2 periods and I'm not sure I can take much more. I decided to leave; it's lunch and I don't even care anymore. I just don't care about school, on my reports from my teachers they've all said that I'm above average and it's not like school actually teaches me anything so fuck it. Since there was a Costa on the way home I decided I'd stop in to get one. I walked in and surprisingly there was no line. I walked up to the counter and the guy asked what I wanted.

"Um, can I have a large iced latte please?" I said with a slight smile.

"You certainly can." He smiled. He threw the stuff into the blender and poured it into the cup and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said giving him the money and smiled at him before walking to a booth and sitting down. I set my bag next to me and took a sip of my drink. I sighed and took my maths homework out of my bag along with a pen. I rested my head on my hand and worked my way through the sheet. I then continued doing all the overdue homework for other classes which was about two hours worth but I may as well do it right now since I have time, as long as I finish before 4 because I have to walk Maddie home from her after-school dancing class. I looked out the window at everyone walking past from school. I spotted Chloe walking on the other side of the road. She turned to cross the road and came into Costa. I kept my head down avoiding eye contact, earlier in the bathroom was so embarrassing and I honestly wish she hadn't seen that side of me. I went back to doing my work when I saw another drink being placed on my table and someone sat across from me. Shit was the only word repeating in my head as I looked up from my work to see Chloe sitting there.

"Oh hey," I said awkwardly

"Hey, how are you?" She asked

"I'm good." I smiled and nodded

"You sure?"

"Yeah I left at lunch so I've had time to do homework and stuff but I actually need to be somewhere right now." I said packing my stuff into my bag.

"Oh, is it far away?"

"What?" I asked

"Is the place you're going far?" She repeated. I frowned, why even ask that? "I was going to ask you if you wanted a ride," She giggled "I didn't mean it in a creepy way." She continued. I laughed and thought about it, to be honest, I can't be bothered walking all the way back to school to pick up Maddie then walk home again.

"If you don't mind, yeah." I mumbled playing with my bracelets.

"Well it's not me that's driving but I'm sure they won't mind." She said grabbing her bag and walking out the door as I followed her like a lost puppy. She led me to a blue range rover and opened the back door.

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