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Demi's POV :

I woke up on the couch alone with hella cramp in my neck, wishing Em didn't leave me. Man I miss the days when Emily would fall asleep snuggled into me and I'd wake up and she'd still be lying there, in the same position she fell asleep. Speaking of Em... I wonder where she wandered off to? As if on cue, she came in with a cup of my favorite tea.

"I'm sorry for yesterday." She said, handing me the tea.

"It's okay," I said softly trying not to think about it. She looked down so I smiled hoping to lighten the mood, but then quickly stopped. "Em, are you okay, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you act like this before." I asked.

"I wish people would stop asking me that when they have no intent of actually caring about the answer. As far as you're concerned I'm always okay and nothing is 'wrong' with me." She snapped. Here we go again. I didn't mean that question like that, of course nothings 'wrong' with her. Oh my god. Am I actually that bad of a sister that I'm not allowed to ask her if she's okay? What the hell. What have I actually done to her to deserve this? I furrowed my brow and shook my head in response, obviously she's mad at something else so I'll just ignore what I said and leave her to cool off, again. "Look just because you were out doing drugs at my age doesn't mean I'll follow in your fucked up footsteps, I don't need a bodyguard." She raged clenching her fists. "I'm going out for air." She continued unclenching her fists.

Seconds later, I heard the door slam shut. Tears stung my eyes, how could I be so stupid? She's right, I'm such a horrible sister, I was too busy with my life to even realize how much my baby sister was changing and needed me. It's my fault she's acting out like this, if I had been here to be there for her I could've prevented this. It's my fault. I want to help her but I can't even help myself. I decided to go to sleep again, not like anyone cares. I know I shouldn't be spending my day sleeping, but what the hell should I do? My sister hates me. I hate me. The whole world should hate me.

Emily's POV :

I walked out of the living room and straight out the door trying to keep my cool. I walked to the end of the driveway and kept going, I didn't care where I was going or where I would end up I just wanted to get as far away from all this as possible. I know I may have gone too far but I need her to know where she stands in my life. Which is not very close to me, I don't want her thinking I'm going to be sitting up late at night telling her everything on my mind because quite frankly if I did she would threaten to tell mom and dad and I'd be locked up in that shithole she was locked up in. Mom and dad finding out is the last thing that will happen, they have enough to deal with between me living, their famous daughter staying here for a while and Maddie still being a kid. I walked for about 30 minutes until I reached a Starbucks. Tears were threatening to spill over as I waited for the automatic door to open and I ran straight through the building to the bathroom. I had held in my emotions about everything for so long and I couldn't hold them any longer. I opened the cubicle door rushing in and locking it behind me. I let out all my emotions as tears streamed down my face like a river. I needed relief and right now, only one thing could give me it. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my blade and you can guess what happened after that, yet again I was too weak to resist it. Just as I was about to get up to fix myself and clean my cuts I heard the door open. I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth to stop the heavy breaths coming out.

"Hey, you okay in there?" I heard a guy say with a New York accent that I immediately fell in love with.

"Mhmm," I mumbled not trusting my voice.

"Okay then." He sighed sounding unsatisfied then I heard the door shut again. I quickly unlocked the cubicle door and rinsed my arm at the sink then splashed water on my face trying to rub off my smudged mascara. I eventually felt satisfied enough to go out in public. I opened the bathroom door and went to the counter and bought a bottle of water. I know, not many people go to Starbucks to get a water but I don't need to gain any more weight, I'm already fat enough. I sat in a booth myself, obviously because I don't have any friends. I stared out the window processing life in general. School starts in just over a week and I don't know if I can handle it anymore and when I say that I don't mean the education, I mean the shitty environment and being put down by people. I snapped out of my thoughts when a guy slid into the seat across from me. My heart fell out my ass and I nearly threw up with anxiety. I'm waaayyyy too awkward for this.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked and I recognized his voice from the bathroom incident a few minutes ago.

"Yeah what makes you ask that?"

"I can see you've been crying." He said sounding concerned. "and I heard you crying in the bathroom." He continued.

"Oh okay" I mumbled looking down at the table feeling embarrassed.

"Sooooo... are you just gonna leave me hangin? I know you're not okay and I can tell you have a lot on your mind."

"How do I know I can trust you? I don't even know your name."

"I'm Max, Max Schneider."

"Okay, I'm Emily."

"Emily? Is that all I'm gonna get, no last name?" He chuckled, man his smile was a beautiful sight to see. I smiled,

"Lovato, Emily Lovato"

"It's nice to meet you, Emily." He said took my hand and kissed the back of it. I could tell he recognized my surname but I'm glad he didn't question it.


A/N Realllllyyy long chapter I know but I enjoyed writing it so I hope you guys enjoy reading it.

creds to Emma (lovaticc_d) for really helping me out with this chapter.

P.S The picture above is Max and the video is my favorite cover on his channel.

The Forgotten Lovato Sister - Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now