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--- 1 week time skip ---

Emily's POV :

A burst of sunlight that managed to get through the crack in my blinds shone in my eyes causing me to wake up. I sighed and closed my eyes again, snuggling closer into Max's side. I'm so glad he stayed the night, it's times like these that I live for. Especially after the shitty week I've had at school, sure I haven't had to face Chloe because she hasn't been in, and Ethan and Jenna have been relatively quiet but I just don't and never will have the energy or motivation to actually enjoy school. Waking up next to someone I love made that all a little better though, feeling protected just because his arm was slung around my waist, his cute light snoring and feeling his chest rise and fall as he inhaled and exhaled. I looked up at him and watched a slight smile grow on his face as his eyes slowly opened. He looked down at me smiling, I pushed up off the bed to kiss him, we both pulled away for air,

"Breakfast?" I said still smiling. He nodded before kissing me again then got up and threw on grey sweatpants and a shirt. I pulled on one of his hoodies over my long sleeved pj top and changed into a pair of leggings then we both went downstairs. My mom and dad sat at the table, mom scrolling on her laptop and dad reading a newspaper.

"Morning sweetie. Hey Max." My mom smiled looking up from her laptop.

"Hey Mom, hey dad." I said staring at Eddie.

"Oh, I never even saw you there," He laughed. "Morning guys."

"Morning Mr and Mrs DeLa-." Max cut off seeing the unimpressed expression on my moms face. "Dianna and Eddie?" He said shyly. My mom smiled and nodded going back to her laptop. I grabbed his hand and dragged him past the table to the proper part of the kitchen.

"Pancakes?" I smiled and he nodded. I got the ingredients out and mixed them all together and Max poured it in the pan and flipped them. I stood admiring him when my phone dinged a few times surprising me, I have friends? Since when? I unlocked my phone expecting it to be a text from Dominos or something but to my surprise it was from Zoe.

Zoe - I miss u

Me - I'm still always here what do you mean?

Zoe - idk, I just feel so alone and I feel like we haven't spoken in ages. 

Me - you're never alone, i will always be here for you no matter how long we go without talking, i love u 💗💗💗

Zoe - I love u too 💗💗💗

I looked up from my phone and went back to watching my hot ass boyfriend cook when someone rang the doorbell. There was a brief moment of no movement and silence before my mom groaned and got up to open the door because obviously it isn't for me.

"Is Emily here?" I heard someone say. You're fucking kidding me.

"Yeah, Emily it's for you!" My mom shouted before coming back through.

"You're meant to say I'm not home." I grumbled as I walked past her, leaving Max to make the breakfast. Rude? Maybe, but he offered. I seen it was Chloe as I got closer to the door. I felt so many emotions come across me, anger being one of the main ones as a disgusted expression came across my face.

"What." I asked bluntly.

"Emily I need you, can I come in?" She asked looking agitated and slightly out of breath. What the fuck? Did she forget about what happened literally last week? I stepped outside and quietly closed the door behind me still holding onto the handle.

"No Chloe, you quite clearly don't need or even like me, considering you're apparently besties with Jenna and her group now. I'm no where near ready to even talk to you again never mind forgive you for what you done to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You fucking know what I'm talking about Chloe, go home."

"Emily please, I dont know what youre talking about." She reached for my shoulder but I moved away. I felt someone pull the door from the other side and I let go of the handle. The door slowly opened to reveal Max holding a plate of pancakes.

"Emily breakfasts-" He cut off once he made eye contact with Chloe. "What's going on here?" He said slightly tensing up.

"Nothing babe, can you take them upstairs?" I kissed his cheek and gently pushed him inside before closing the door again. "Is that your dad?" I asked as a car pulled up outside my house.

"Chloe get in the car now!!" The guy shouted.

"Emily please." Chloe pleaded snapping her attention back to me.

"I think you should go home." I said walking back inside.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened between us." She said before walking away and getting into the car. Bullshit she's sorry, she may not have caused what happened or physically done it to me but she sure as fucking hell knew about it and could've warned me, or like, just left me alone and not of offered the lift that ended with one of my worst nightmares y'know? I closed the door and locked it then walked upstairs. Max was sat on the bed with the plate of pancakes and Netflix on the TV.

"What was that about? Why was she here?" He asked. I sat down with a sigh,

"She just wanted to apologise but I told her it wasn't gonna work."

"Good, she done you dirty and she's toxic, don't feel bad for rejecting her apology." He said. I nodded,

"Wait how do you know it was her?"

"You posted a picture with her on Facebook and that's the only picture you've posted with a friend, I just assumed it was her."

"Oh okay I should probably delete that now." I laughed taking a miniscule bite out of a pancake and waiting for Facebook to load to find it. Max started the movie and I locked my phone before getting comfy.


"Pauseeee. I need the toilet." Max paused the movie then attempted to crawl over me to get out, but failed dramatically and basically rolled over me instead. I rolled my eyes and giggled then picked up my phone, unlocking it to see my own Facebook. I completely forgot about deleting that picture. I clicked on my profile and looked for the picture, my eyes widened when I seen it and everything immediately came rushing back. The picture was from our first FaceTime call months ago. A picture she had posted on Snapchat captioned with something about me saving her from failing maths, I had screenshotted it and uploaded it to my yearly album on Facebook. Our first FaceTime call, her dad coming in drunk, her being agitated outside and asking to come in because her dad pulled up outside. Oh my god. What if he was drunk again? What if she had ran away and came to me for help. I covered my mouth as I started to panic. What have I done? I grabbed the plate we used for breakfast and left my room stopping outside the bathroom,

"Max, I'm just taking plates downstairs." I said through the door receiving a muffled 'okay' in return before running down the stairs. I put them in the kitchen before going out into the garage to phone Chloe, no answer. I called her religiously but never got through once. I pulled up her contact in messages to send her a text

I locked my phone and sighed, I guess you could say I was now well and truly shitting it. Anything could've happened and I could've prevented it if I hadn't been such a little petty bitch and just spoke to her. I contained my nerves and went back up to face Max and finish the movie.


I sat scrolling through Instagram while Max tried to find another movie to watch, we had started 3 already and every single one of them were boring as hell. I moved onto Facebook to check when Chloe was last online, 2 hours ago. I sighed and moved back to Twitter to check her activity on that, I clicked on the search page and I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

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