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Max's POV :

I took pictures with all the girls that mobbed me and gave an autograph to the ones who asked for it. I eventually shook them off. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans, too much in fact. They make everything that I do possible. But I also like privacy and being mobbed at a cinema isn't exactly something I enjoy, but I guess it's part of the job. I returned to my seat next to Emily.

"Max, how the fuck could you not tell me you were famous? You're literally cast to be the main character in the biggest Nickelodeon movie of this entire year. Did you think I would use you for your popularity and money or something??" She asked angrily trying to keep her voice down since we were in public

"How could you not tell me you were famous?" I asked, immediately regretting it as it just added fuel to the fire.

"Ehh, maybe because I'm fucking not. And you can't answer a question with another question. What the fuck?"

"Emily. You're a Lovato. Obviously you're famous." I sighed

"Yeah, I may be a Lovato. But that's just the family name, I'm not talented in any way shape or form so there's no reason I would have to tell you that!" She practically screamed, abruptly getting up to leave. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around.

"Emily. Please don't leave. Can we please talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about Max." She said crossing her arms.

"Please don't do this here. Let me take you home and we can talk about it there." I lowered my voice as I started getting dirty looks from people.

"FINE, fine." She mumbled grabbing her purse and marching out of the cinema. I followed close behind and unlocked the car, still opening her door even though she was pissed. She sat down with a huff, you didn't even need to be there for that fight in the cinema, just the way she sat down could tell you she was pissed. We sat in silence the whole car ride until I pulled over on a quiet street a few miles from her house.

"Why'd you stop?" She said staring out the window refusing eye contact.

"Look at me and I'll tell you." I said looking at her. I swear it took all the strength she had in her body to look at me. When she eventually turned to look at me she kept her gaze down. I placed my hand under her chin and gently moved her head so she was looking at me. She sniffled and tears brimmed her eyes.

"Em, why are you crying?" I asked slightly confused as I pulled her into my chest.

"I-I-I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I-I-I don't know why I keep doing this. I completely understand if you want nothing to do with-"

"Shhhh... it's okay" I cut her off, running my fingers through her hair.


Em and I lay in the back of the truck staring up at the sky, eating snacks, taking pictures and getting to know each other through asking random questions. A moment of silence came and she nudged closer to me and rested her head on my chest as I drew patterns on her back. We lay there for hours before finally deciding to move. This date was perfect. Emily's perfect.

Demi's POV :

I was sitting having a conversation with mom when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I excused myself and went up the stairs to answer it. Caller id told me it was Natalie; my manager. She knows I'm on break? Natalie only phones me when it's something really important...what could she want?


A/N Why's Natalie calling? And what do you guys think of Em? Is she being a bitch or do you think she's genuinely hurting?

The Forgotten Lovato Sister - Demi Lovato FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now