3. Self control is important

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Haley's POV

We stared at Juli and my mom, this seemed like we were staring at one another for years and years until Dante finally broke the silence.

"So, ma'am... do you believe us now?" He asked; he looked like he was about to burst into laughter but he still managed to pull off a serious looking face while I just stood next to him speechless and just realised that I just had an outburst in front of my mom and she wouldn't even realise that. The only thing I could do was stand there and grin like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Well . . ." My mom started of, ". . . the emotions being portrayed were very realistic and beautifully acted out but the lines could use some tweaking since they sounded something a flopped movie which had a terrible rating!" My mom has a tendency to either over exaggerate or to say the truth in a very blunt way.

Deep inside I was laughing to my death, I mean Dante and I just argued in front of her and shrugged it off pretending that was an act so my mom would not kill me for trying to jump out of a car. The rant told my mom what literally had just happened minutes ago and yet she didn't even realise . . . was my mom okay? Heck, this 'play' just explained what happened on the ride, how could she not realise? My mom could not have been that gullible, right? If she was why didn't I try being a sneaky child years ago.

"Thanks mom." I sarcastically commented holding back any laughter waiting to erupt from my mouth and earned a death stare from Dante telling me to shut up before my mother killed us both for being idiots.

"You kids go to sleep anytime soon, I can tell you both are pretty knackered. I'm going to sort things out a couple of things with Mr Carter then I'll be back." My mom explained. She kissed me on the forehead and shook Dante's hand and went inside to get her keys.

"HAHAHAHA!" Juli burst into laughter holding her stomach, I was glad she realised or else I would think I was surrondeded by idiots, no offence to my mom. Juli knew me inside and out and therefore she understood everything. Even this...

"What's so funny?" Dante asked obviously confused thinking that he had fooled everyone.

"Haley, I've known you since you were in diapers. You can't fool me." She continued laughing. "That was a shit play and you tell horrible lies. I know you too well. I know that the truth is that you both do actually despise one another. That and you were genuinely pissed off since out of everyone I know, I know that you hate him the most."

"Yeah, that is true." I admitted nodding my head.

"So, want to explain to me what really did happen?" She asked me moving her eyebrows up and down like the two freaky kids in the cadbury commercial. "Or does the play explain it to me, Haley."

"Basically . . ."

"Let's go to your room." She grabbed my wrist and literally dragged me upstairs.

"Cough, cough. Are you guys forgetting me?" Dante asked from the garage.

"No, how can someone forget your face." Juli retorted with a snappy tone trying to offend him.

"Why, thank you." Dante said accepting it as a compliment.

"You truly are an idiot." I giggled shaking my head with disbelief.

"How so?" He asked bedazzled as if his head was full of air- which it probably was.

"She meant, your face . . ." I gestured to his face, which right now was kind of cute with his two dimples showing off, his beautiful black hair slightly flopping to the side and his signature smirk . . . WOAH! I did not just say that! I began to shake my head violently before looking back at him. That's what I get for being too close to his face, it made you go crazy and in a good way.

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