You ruined it

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Request: @childishbehaviour

I was really excited to write this one. It's sound so cute and fluffy and I'm just haha. Ok enjoy

Stiles POV

I turn on the TV, flicking through the channels until one catches my eyes. On the screen it reads,

Red Fox, new powerful criminal. Will the Night Wolf stop this man.

I chuckle at that. They have no idea do they? Of course it won't be an 18 year old boy that has a pent house! But poor looking clothes, messy hair, red blood-shot eyes. I do not look like a boy with a lot of money. But that's good isn't it? Then no one will suspect me.

I know what I have to do tonight and it's going to be tricky but I'm going to successfully do it.

I'm going to rob a bank.

Later that day...

I walk in with my red fox mask and shoot my gun in the air. Everyone screams instantly and ducks.

'Get down!'  I yell, pointing the gun at everyone. I look around, scanning over the crowd and see one baby.
'Dammit' I curse and walk over to it. I bend down to the crouching woman and look at her baby
'Please, please don't hurt him' she whimpers
'I will never hurt a baby!' I say in a different voice. I get up and grab the phone, dialling 911. They pick up straight away, saying the same line they say when you call that line

'911, what's your emergency'
'Hello dear. Now I'm currently on goodwind street and at the bank. I am the red fox'
'Haha very funny sir' she laughs nervously
'Seriously, if you want to save this baby, call the police'

I hang up and walk over to the woman and baby.

'Now. Here's the deal, I'm going to let you go. And you will yell out for the night wolf, got it?'

She nods shakily, taking in sharp breathes

'If you don't, I'll shoot one of these innocent people, so technically you killed them right?' I laugh and walk away, yelling at everyone to keep down. I don't ask for money because all I want tonight is to meet the night wolf.

I hear the sounds of the sirens and people talking, they say the usual

'We've got you surrounded, come out now or we will come in'

I grab my own microphone from my duffle bag and say back to them

'I don't think you want to do that, that will kill everyone in this room'

Everyone gasps and I laugh, I speak back into the microphone

'I'm going to let two people go right now but that's it, I'm not letting anyone else go until I get what I want'

I grab the lady by the arm, she is clutching her baby very close to her and I drag her out. The police speaking once more

'And what do you want'

'I want the Night Wolf to come'

The lady runs out there and starts screaming his name, the Night Wolf. I smirk to myself knowing he will come. No one really knows but I can actually turn into a fox. That's how I scare people away and be quiet, very quiet.

Seconds later I hear running, but it's not human.

'I've seen you have come'

I turn around to face the wolf, black fur, blue eyes. He growls at me, so I growl back.

'I want see to you, the real you'

I smirk at him as the fur shrinks, and turns into skin. He stand tall, with black quiffed hair, green eyes and some scruff. He was quite handsome I must say. Sadly he has pants on, but no shirt so I can see his perfectly sculpted abs.

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