14. Opening the tomb

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Before the story, I've just started a new story! Please check it out! It should be on my profile under my works :) It'd be awesome if you guys could read it! :)

14. Opening the tomb

"Well, isn't anybody going to say anything?" Katherine asked after a long 120 seconds of silence. I gave Damon's hand another squeeze and he seemed to snap back into reality.

"Don't try anything stupid Katherine." He growled. "Just do what we say, and then we will consider leaving you alive."

"Damon, you don't really think that you can kill me do you?" She laughed, in her child-like voice. In return, Damon let go of my hand and darted over to her side.

"Yes Katherine." He hissed. "I really do think I can."

Katherine smiled, and then giggled a little more. She popped her head towards Elena and Stefan and then shook her head making a tsk sound.

"Stefan. You know, I never stopped loving you." She admitted. "I still love you here and now. But it looks like you've moved on to a more...human love interest. She looks exactly like me, have you noticed?"

"Yes I have." Stefan said in his usual calm voice. "And before you question it, I do love Elena for who she is and not because she looks like you. She may be identical to you on the outside, but on the inside she is more beautiful, kind and unique than you will ever be."

"That so?" Katherine asked, raising an eye-brow. "Well Stefan, I'm sure that you will change your mind about that. I bet that within the next 2 days, I will have you and your brother wrapped around my little finger just like before."

"Damon's not dumb enough to fall for you again." I snarled. Katherine turned her head in my direction and then smiled with what seemed like pleasure.

"Nina, you don't know Damon." She said. "You don't know how to please him. Whereas, I do. And I can easily please him again. All that I need to do is tell him that I love him, and then he's all mine."

"Bittch." Damon spat. "You may not have noticed this but I've moved on. You mean nothing to me now."

"Really?" Katherine scoffed. "Damon, our love was real. I admit that I loved Stefan a little more than you, but that was then. Now, I'm attatched to both of you as equals. Unfortunatley, Stefan seems to really have moved on. So it's just you and me. What do you say Damon? Would you like to finish off from where we left in 1864?"

"Katherine?" Damon said quietly.


"Katherine." He said again, moving in closer to take her face in his hands.

"Yes Damon?"

"Go to hell." He growled and then snapped her head to the left side. She gave out a little shriek but then as soon as Damon backed away, she smiled and pushed her head back to the right angle. Sadly though, she seemed angry.

"You know what Damon?" She whispered. "You're not as dumb as I thought you would be. I applaud you for that. But, you should know that I absolutley despise you."

"Likewise, sweetheart." Damon said with a fake smile. He looked at Stefan and sighed. "Can we get on with this?"

Stefan nodded. "Yes."

In a split second, Stefan was over at Katherine and stabbing her in the shoulder with another vervain dart, then he kicked her body to the floor and glared.

"This should be interesting." He said.

 "You sure you're ok to do this?" I asked Damon quietly. He nodded in my direction and then walked over to Jeremy who handed him a rucksack which he had swung over his shoulders.

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