50. For better or for worse

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50. For better or for worse.

Dear Diary,

Jenna's wedding day. Yay! No, that wasn't sacrastic. I'm actually pretty excited to see my kind of Aunt Jenna and my good friend Rick celebrate their love and have their 1st dance to a very emotional song for me. All I Need. I'd persuaded them that it was ok, and honestly, it was almost starting to feel like it was.

I mean, I had Alex now.

He was somewhat something special...wasn't he?

"Oh my God, I'm walking down the aisle in...5 minutes! Holy shit!"

"Aunt Jenna, I've never heard you swear before!" Elena laughed as she zipped up the back of my bridesmaid dress.

It was actually quite beautiful. It was a thinly strapped red dress which was tight around the waist like a corset but then flowed freely down to my knees. I was wearing red flats and had my hair curled so I could easily be mistaken for Katherine. Elena was wearing the same as me so we pretty much looked identical, but she had her hair straightened and as always, she was about an inch taller than me.

Jenna, looked absolutley beautiful.

Her hair was loosely curled like mine and it hung down ellegantly down to her waist. Her makeup was flawless, some light foundation and faint gold eyeshaddow. Her dress was strappless and like mine, was corset like at the top but it flowed down to her ankles. She had a white headband in her hair and a vail attatched to the back.

Two words.

Freaking. Beautiful.

"She has a reason to swear, she's marrying an absolute dick." I said, returning Elena's smirk.

"Just because he wouldn't let you have the last piece of pizza last night doesn't mean you have to hate him." Jenna said, applying a little more powder.

"Oh yes it does!" I urged.

"So where's Alex?" Elena asked me.

"He's with Stefan." I explained. "Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Matt and Alex are all sitting together and they're going to pull weird faces at me so that I lose concentration and start laughing my ass off halfway up the aisle."

"Just slap them on the way down?" Jenna suggested.

"Absolutley!" I agreed.

"Ok, guys. Show time!" The receptionisty person said, popping her head around the corner.

"Bang, bang, bang!" I squeaked, grinning like crazy.

"Bang, bang, bang?" Elena questioned.

"My new catch phrase." I explained.

I walked over to Jenna and took her hand reassuringly. "You ok?"

"Just a little hyperventilation, never hurt nobody." She said, laughing a little. "Hey, Nina?"


"Are you sure that you're ok with the song? I mean, I know you and Damon split up but-"

Oh yeah, as Jenna didn't know about the vampire situation, we'd had to tell her that me and Damon split up instead of saying how he was killed in a stupid good for nothing sacrifice.

"Jenna, this is your day. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

I gave her hand a reassuring squeze. "100 percent."

Ok, so maybe I cracked up a little bit when Alex pulled the stupidest face at me as me and Elena walked behind Jenna as she slowly headed up the aisle. But luckily, I managed to keep myself from laughing hysterically and stepped to the side at the top of the aisle as Jenna took Rick's hands.

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