Chapter 25.

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"Try to deny it as much as you can but in time our feelings will show." - Arianna Grande posted @niallsswagg


We waited as Beth jumps of the car, slamming the door behind her. I watched as she shuffled past the jeep and made her way to the house, she must be cooled I guess.

Cassidy and I went for dinner at the same expensive yet boring restaurant and on our way back I received a text for Matt that Beth is somewhere in the market near a club and she's lost. That's what made me worry like hell, I drove recklessly around the place and finally spot her. Her cheeks were cupped by his hand but he wasn't Jim, it was someone else. She won't cheat on him, right? 

I shuffled out of the car and made my way towards them. That's when I realize what's going. I was about to kill his ass if she wouldn't have stopped me. But the thing that got my inner self flying was how she hugged me. I had no idea that she'll hug and I also had no idea that she'll beg to talk to me. I didn't mean to tell her that Cassidy is in the car just shut her up; I had no intention to hurt her. But why is she hurt?

I felt Cassidy leaning towards me, the urge of pushing her takes over and I leaned away shaking my head. She looked offended, not hurt by this.

"What the hell is your problem? Why are you such a dick to me all the time?" Cassidy shouted taking my attention. I don't speak for a good half minute, thinking twice about my decision and finally struggle to a conclusion. 

"Let's...let's just be friends, Cassidy." I finally let the words out not making any contact with her. After a few seconds of silence, I narrowed my eyes at her. This left her off-guard clearly but she isn't hurt. That's the fucking thing, there are no feeling between us and there never will be. It's all just a game and I'm sick of it, I don't want to play it. She won.

"You're dumping me?" She kept her index finger on her chest before cocking an eyebrow. She doesn't care, I know it. I nodded, turning towards her now. Her eyes met mine; I searched for at least something, some feeling towards me. That maybe she wants me a little. Nothing.

"It's because of that bitch isn't it?"

"She isn't a bitch."

"She was a bitch to you since Harry just..." I interrupted

"I love her."

She needs to stop calling her that or I swear to god I'll say something I'll regret.

"Love that shit? I should have known how low you are. 'Love'."

“If you stop being a low bitch yourself then maybe you will feel some fucking feelings for someone else"

I don't know if that made any sense but that's what she asked for. I lost my temper; she knows that well enough not to mess with me right now. She should know better not to say anything to Beth. I've had enough of her drama.

"You're such an asshole." She spats.

"Fuck off."

That was easier than I thought. She huffed before opening the door in frustration and banging it back when she's out. I let out a heavy breath, smacking my head on the steering wheel. My head was spinning; my stomach was hurting worse than my head and all this made me go fucking insane.

I have no idea what to do now but on the other side I'm reveled that there will be no Cassidy in the drama cause she sure is a huge deal to handle. Currently, I just need a break. I need to take Advil before going to sleep, a longer one in that case.

2 days and we're leaving. I don't even know if I'll get to see her, meet her when we go back. Before coming here, I had pictured us together by now. I had pictured us walking on that sandy beach, hand in hand. Fuck I would love that, fuck I would have loved her so much more.

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