Chapter 2 - I like something with a bit more power between my thighs

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A/N - hey kiddos...I've pulled this oldie out of the cupboard so bear with me while I get my bearings with it. I like it because its really fun to write

The Youtube video may help read this story lol

Dedicated to DoNotMicrowave for her story just making me laugh when I felt crap!

Ruth looks away from me with worry etched across her freckled face, "I think the only thing you'll be riding this afternoon is a stretcher in an ambulance."

            "Hey I didn't know you were a joker Ruth, cool awesome find." I bump her shoulder with mine.

She turns and gives me an incredulous glance before ducking behind me. I don't bother trying to seem repentant... my Dad always said it made me look even more devious than I had when I was actually planning to do something naughty.

(sorry changed tense here but going to fix it lol)

I saw him and his entourage coming out of the corner of my eye, I tried really hard not to laugh but giggles started to leak through my lips and I knew that by the time they got here I would be snorting if I held it in. I wasn't laughing at the situation, well, I was but mostly I was laughing at the conversations I had with my brothers on the phone about being at school and Seth's particular group.

            As we had never went to school, our tutor was also our cook so yeah...tutoring wasn't that great; my brothers and I sometimes got a real buzz by critiquing Dell's favourite shows. She downloaded these crazy American type school series things or movies, it drove her crazy when we all sat around picking at everything - sometimes she would turn the TV off in a huff or throw something at us.

But now I was actually going to school my brothers were fascinated by what it was actually like. They rang me every night wanting a story of what had happened. Especially any story that involved the King of the waves himself...Seth.

            They couldn't get over that other kids were scared of him. I mean he acted tough and all and apparently would... 'protect the turf' whatever the heck that meant...but it meant nothing to me or to my brothers.

We were used to real bad asses, hard assed guys that lived off the land, broke wild horses, killed taipans and king browns with their bare hands, struggled through droughts and floods and could fell a good sized steer with a punch. Not a ...seventeen year old boy who was in school...not

And what cracked me up even further was the fact that these 'bad boys' come to school on time...and actually went to class...real baaaaaad.

I laughed out loud as I thought of this...unfortunately it was right at the time that the posse stood in front on me.

            'She's a fricken' mental case." One guy said I looked to see his face scrunched up. I didn't know his name...didn't care.

            "Why? What would a normal person be doing? Quivering in their boots?" I asked him, the girls hanging off them all tutted.

I like that word tutted, Dad always said my Mum tutted. These girls sounded like when you went o a turkey breeding farm...everything would be quiet and you would yell out the crazy sound like "bleerrrer" and then all the turkeys would go crazy for a couple of seconds and then...quiet...and you would do that again. I was an awesome place to play hide and seek. If you made a noise when hiding it was like a Mexican wave of gobbles resonated out from your hiding spot.

            "Um yeah. You just hit Seth with a orange in front of half the are stupid for not doing the bolt as soon as you threw it." The way he said Seth was like Seth was a bit weird.

            I shrugged, "I thought I should be congratulated for the shot truthfully. Seth deserved it and frankly a Cane toad would demand me to take a more cautious stance than you guys are." I rolled my eyes at the time the girls took to process that.

            "You little smart a#$e!" Guy number two reached out toward me. I didn't flinch or step back. Seth was just standing there watching me with narrowed eyes. I could tell that having something like that happen to him in front of other kids in the school warranted some sort of vengeful display but I don't think that I was playing it how he wanted or was used to. That made me smile...dobbing bastard.

            "At least some of you understood that." I chuckled.

One of the girls untangled themselves from Seth and leaned forward, "You should go back, you will never belong here. Never be one of us."

            "Holy Smoke, was that meant to freak me out or make me feel bad? As if I would want to be one of you. Hell, how fricken' boring, the only thing I would get to watch would be him," I gestured to Seth, "the only thing I'd get to actively do is lift a ton of that brown cake stuff you slather on your face, the only thing I'd get to chase is ohhh him again and well the biggest doosey for me would be what you ride." I gave a flat up and down look at Seth, "yeah that would be my real problem because I really like something with a bit more power between my thighs. And please, feel free to contact my Mother and tell her to send me back there is nothing I would like more."

The girls gasped I'm guessing in horror but really who knew...maybe it was because normally girls in that group don't often say that much in front of the guys. I might have broken a cardinal rule of talking amounts...who knew.

            "Anyway apart from the fact that everyone should be thanking me because Seth actually smells a whole lot better...I really need to eat the rest of my lunch bye bye now."

As I went to turn back to Ruth and our seats, I noticed the looks of disbelief on his groups faces, Ruth's was not much different either.

A hand grabbed my arm...firmly. The smell of orange drifted in to my nostrils; damn it had been a nice sweet orange. I narrowed my eyes as I felt his breath fan gently on my ear.

            "Enjoy your dinner tonight." He whispered.

I jerked from his grasp and turned on him, "What? What the hell does that mean?"

The arrogant jerk smirked, raised an eyebrow and walked off.

I stared at him wondering what that meant, what I had to be careful about, I didn't realize I was still staring at him until he turned and sent me a wink that held the promise of revenge.

One thing Seth would learn was to never warn me in advance.

okay hope you liked if you did thank you

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