Chapter 19 - Down time

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Thank you to StrangeBehavior for the awesome banner!

Amber has always loved galloping and plunging into the dams or rivers as fast as she can possibly go, we always race Nathan and his horse in, both of us pushing and shoving each other like maniacs... because we are both competitive and big cheaters when it comes to each other, now she discovered that launching down these little sandbanks here on the beach and thundering into the waves was just as fun.

Apparently, we had to do it repeatedly. And I mean repeatedly. This was like the sixtieth time I swear.

Every time she would turn and come trotting back out of the salty water she would throw her head around and carry on with a few pig roots, she was cracking me up.

I leave Ambers mane long, I don't hog it off like a lot of other stock horses owners do, I mean sure if I'm about to go into the ring in an Australian Stockhorse class I do, but I ride a hell of a lot without a saddle or bridle, so if something comes up I like to have something there to grab on to.

Like now, when she plunges into the water, I'm holding on, because I'm not the strongest swimmer in the world and I probably wouldn't last in the ocean more than a couple of minutes. I can swim in the dam to save myself and to have fun... but the beach with its waves in all honesty would kill me.

Amber smells beautiful and fresh from the salt water though, so that's great. Her white stockings are whiter than I've ever seen them. I'm enjoying riding her so much that when I glance at the clock I realise we've been fooling around for over three hours now. I'm going to invest in some bikini pants if we are going to keep doing this; my thighs are feeling very raw. The salt water is stinging me through my wet stiff jeans.

At home I ride Amber almost everyday... for hours while we work and then we do stuff which we both like, like the dam thing. I ride the other station horses a bit but never as much as Amber. We are so used to working together that she can read my slightest movements.

No one else ever rides her... or dares should be the word.

 Nathan tried once and she just wouldn't budge not matter what he did, her ears were laid flat back on her head and she kept swishing her tail. I told him to get off because I hated to see her so annoyed but as he did Amber took off flat chat bucking like a incensed bronc.

Nathan blamed me of course saying that I had rubbed off on her... but later I heard him tell Pop that Amber and I were two stubborn and feral peas in a pod and were made for each other. He sounded proud.

I can't wait to compete next weekend, Amber loves audiences, she carries on like she some Arabian Stallion. We did a bit of training before we hit the waves... but we need a cow to get things really happening. Monday here I come.

 If I had my way, although I love working cattle and stuff and of course Frank, I would love to breed and train horses. I love it... Nathan and Pop buy my all these DVD's on all different styles of riding, like dressage and reining. Amber can do a piaffe or a slide with no problems at all. apart from sporting my absolute favourite thing to do is jumping. I just love the feeling.

Pop knew this guy in his unit that still holds the record in Australia for the highest ever bareback jump, I love hearing the stories about 'flea' Dawson. Amber tolerates jumping , she is really quick but rushes the jumps sometimes. Jumping is definitely not her preferred activity to train for. If I have to jump a fence or something, then yep... that's acceptable to her but practising over jumps? She gets all high horse and tail swishy. I normally try out the other station horses but have yet to find one that really loves it  and excels at it.

Even though I've seen and rode her a bit everyday, we haven't really spent this much time together having fun so I decide there and then that I will bring her home with me tonight, ride her to school for a bit tomorrow... and then leave early again to head out to Harry's. I hope he doesn't mind.

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