Chapter 25 - my heart

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 Dedicated to Michellie_emk for the awesoem cover!

Strolling in to his kitchen I can't but grin at the smell of bacon and eggs. I love hot breakfasts, Nathan always calls me a pansie but hey most of the time I wake up to the amazing flavors contained in a can of cold beans or spaghetti. Sue me.

Harry is wearing a flowery apron over his moleskins and shirt which makes me give him a big woo hooo whistle. 

"Sit down kid," he gestures to the table with his egg flip, "before I make you learn some manners."

 I laugh, "Yeah Haz, have a go! I will add you to my list of the many who have tried and all met with the hard thud of failure." 

"Well lucky for me I wouldn't change a thing about you then isn't it cheeky monkey, I made you a hot choccy too, just there," he nods his head to a mug on the kitchen bench. 

It's 4.45 in the morning and I feel great. Alive... happy. 

"Mmmmm, I'm movin' in Harry. Mum's lips would split if I bought chocolate into her humble organic abode," I roll my eyes as I raise the steaming mug to my lips. 

"Well all I can say kiddo is there seven empty rooms here and if you ever need one, it's yours," he dishes up the eggs and bacon on some toast and slides the one of the plates in front of me. 

"Thanks Haz on both accounts," I smile reaching for the salt. 

He grumbles a reply his cheeks going slightly pink. 

"Any problems last night?" he asks after a couple of bites. 

"I got to practice  - which was cool - my next door neighbor turned up just before midnight to check if I was okay which was kind of weird in itself ... anyway... I thought it was that prick from yesterday. I'm happy to say my stealth skills are honed to perfection," I pop the rest of the toasts crust into my mouth. "Banks beware." 

"If only we could hold up a couple of 'em," he grins at the thought. Harry's got bills, I'd pay them for him but I know not even offer, all I can do is work so he can get some cattle together to sell to pay them. 

"Don't dare me Harry I beg you." 

Harry laughed, "What are you up to today?" 

"Umm, I figure if you want we'll head down and shove those couple of strainers and stays in up in that boundary fence and why we've got the strainers and stuff out may as well strain that fence down near the old bails. I guess by the time we finish that I will have to head off to Mum's. I've gotta grab some people from where Flea is and bring them back there. After that I've got to head out to a soccer game... Mum's going tomorrow early so I'll just ride out here then. I think I will try and have go at this harvester straight up so we can get the parts tomorrow when we go into town huh. Sound good?"

 "Sound like a plan to me," he smiles rising. 

I grabbed the used dishes and quickly washed, dried and put them away. As I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday I follow Harry merrily out the door. 


Amber is happily cantering down the road as think about what I can do today so display the fact that I actually live at Mum's. A fleeting image floats through my brain of Mum's face if Noah knocked on the door. Although he's Seth nemesis I doubt Mum would find him at all equal to Seth. In my opinion Mum has a certain group of people she is willing to accept... based on their looks. 

One of my fav people in the world is this guy called 'Chops'. Years ago he got really drunk and after a bit of ribbing, decided to show everyone in this little pub how good a bull-rider he was. He apparently chose a bull that was conveniently in a yard across the road from the pub, a bull that there because it was going to be meeting God the next day due to it's a psychopathic temper. 

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