Chapter 71 - Pictures of you

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"Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tina's face is shockingly white as I release my focus from her outstretched hand because she is screaming so loud that it feels like my ears drums are about to explode. Banjo is backing up and about to swing out of her hold. Cherokee is oblivious to the drama he is causing as he thunders us toward them like a steam train, he listens to my legs but not too much to my hands or my seat. He abhores pulling up. Which is bad when there is a house pretty close behind Tina.

Banjo skitters out and jumps to the side, head high up, eyes showing white as we almost get close enough to pass the baton. "Hold him,  Teen," I encourage her. She throws me a glance that says 'get real.' Nathan would be sitting there yawning, like he's been waiting six years for us to pass the baton. I have to keep reminding myself thtat everyone is not like my family with this type of activity.

I laugh, thinking that Nat is still young enough to compete in Pony Club, that together we would terrorise the state, we would be unstoppable. I'll try and rope him into joining. I throw the baton on the ground I focus both hands on slowing Cherokee up, we manage to pull up just before we hit the verandah. The next five minutes is getting him to listen... and reward him for trying. Thing is Cherokee loves to go, to move... not stand. So rewarding him is a bit complex, most horses I've had like to have a break from the work, from moving. Not Cherokee. Nathan is going to go nuts over him.

Harry chuckles as he trots beside me, "I think you had better go last in the line up."

"I second that, pair of nutcases!" Tina wheezes her eyes wide, Banjo is eyeing Cherokee warily.

"Don't listen to the mean girl," I coo to Cherokee. "She just wants to ride you."

Tina half groans, half laughs, "maybe if I had a death wish. You must want to ride Banjo."

"He is cute," I reach over and ruffle Banjo's mane which is a feat in itself. We trot around the paddock about five times. I try to keep in line with the others, but Cherokee has other ideas. I've never been so glad I practically live in the saddle as I am now. He's not a horse for the feint hearted, I love the feel of the adrenalilin though as he gallops. He's my type of horse. 'Fast' doesn't descibe him.

"I think I better work on stopping within fifty metres today at least," I lean done to stroke his neck . Gees he's a bloody goer, he's obviously done something similar because once Harry took off first - Harry and Flea were helping us practise for the mounted games - he was beside himself in an instant. Prancing and jumping all over the place, throwing in a couple of smallish rears. Fired up to the max. He's like finding a diamond in a rubbish bin.

The only time though my little diamond stood still was when Flea was about to pass me the baton, the nanosecond my legs closed he was off. He's built like a powerhouse tank too, and he has way more take off power than Amber and he can go straight into the blazing gallop that whipped the wind against my face. However amazing it feels to ride flat out it's not amazing for a team event, I need him to listen to me.

"They have fences around the field," Tina interjects. "Thank God, but you are definitely going last. No one is going to be able to stand there with you guys coming at them. That was the scariest moment of our lives." She cuddles Banjo. He just plods on ignoring Cherokee's antics. 

I've missed Tina and the others a lot. Wade, Jaime, Lucy, Roo and D are here as well. Getting set up for the barbecue we were going to eat later. I've literally had an awesome day, working is my peace of mind, especially working with cattle. We got a lot done today even though I did choof off to check on Noah - who wasn't bloody there- for an hour.

"Alright, so I'm last. I'll bring home the bacon darlin'." I try to talk in a swarmy Texas voice. Tina just looks at me like I've just got the donger on Red Faces. "What one should we practice now?" I try not to think of Noah even though the world looked different after I had a sleep. Since I had some, I feel so much better. I honestly hadn't realised just how sleep deprived I had become. Last night it seemed like I'd been strapped on an emotional rollercoaster that was controlled by some psycho. And the rollarcoaster itself didn't just go high and low, it felt like it went down into an abyss and so high it was difficult to breathe.

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