Chapter 37 - Constant

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Thank you to AnimeLover1207 for her awesome version of Av's tatt choice!

Avalon POV

Geez getting out takes a bit of effort, at least Noah follows my slow progress without any resistance until finally he moves in front of me so the way suddenly miraculously clears like Moses parting the red sea. It seems odd the way these guys treat him, they step back and don't pat him on the shoulder like they do me, I mean he's not that scary and some of these guys here could probably scare the skin off a snake if they put their minds to it. I laugh at the imagine of them kissing him on the cheek.

            Finally we get outside, "did you get any of those tatts around here?" I ask him poking gently on his tattoo covered arm. I like how strong it feels.

            He nods and raises an eyebrow.

             "Yep lead the way. How'd you like my first song?" I smile up at him.

He pulls his lip back from his teeth. As I was singing I kept an eye on him, it felt nice to have him there, he kind of reminded me of Nathan the way he was looking out for me.  At one stage I saw him move toward this one guy that was clearly getting riled up enough to have a go at me and he was no small guy either. It end up being okay but still... taking the offensive generally puts people on the back foot, Pop once told me. I apply that to almost every situation... it works. But it is good to know someone has your back especially when you are in a bikie bar singing Hannah Montana and kicking over their drinks on the bar while smiling.

            "Thanks by the way for not freaking out about all that back there and for," I shrug like the next thing I say is gonna be nothing. "For having my back, that was one of the more precarious scenarios. The other one I did today at Seth's was an easy kind of one."

His green eyes narrow instantaneously at the mention of Seth's name.

            "We have all these scenarios based on shows my sister in law, Dell watches. We say this stuff could or couldn't happen and she argues with me and my brother Nathan. Mostly they boil down to doing stuff that people don't normally expect and that in my opinion is basically just doing something in most cases. People don't really stand up and say whatever much around here, do they?"

            Noah decides it's his turn to shrug, the movement drags up his T-shirt to reveal a centimeter of tanned taunt skin. Mmm. Eyes up Avalon.

            "I can't believe one of them bought me a 'nana Moove. How cool is that?" I chat happily as we walk along side by side. Noah rolls his eyes at me before swinging them back to scan the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

            He nudges me and turns in to a small tattoo shop; there are pictures of tattoos all over the shop to choose from.

            He gestures to them and waits. I can't help but to take a second to appreciate him before checking out the walls. As I consider the designs I can feel him behind me, not touching but just there waiting patiently.

            "Noah Reed, hello sweetie," I turn at the saccharine sweet purring voice to be surprised by a girl with short purple hair and enough piercings that if there were a big enough magnet she would most definitely be stuck to it.            

            I watch the situation in interest, the same as when someone brings in a horse that apparently is a really bugger and can't be ridden. I don't watch for tips, I watch to see what you shouldn't do. What the horse doesn't like.

            Noah's body language is like that of a dominant horse, he's giving her all like level one back off body language signlas he can possibly give. I could imagine the horse version of him now its head up high in the air moving slightly up and down, ears back, nostrils flaring, body tense and ready.

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