Chapter 4 - not impressive

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A/N - hey guys...Avalon has become my little bit of stress relief...the chapters will be relatively short...but anyway...------> is a pic of Avalon's Mother

I walk in to my math class with my head stuck in my horse magazine, if I'm going to be stuck here than I'm going to find some camp-drafting or sporting competitions for Amber and me to do.

           "Hey Avalon," an unfamiliar voice calls, "come sit over here." I look up to see some footy heads waving at me. I'm not into footy at all, I mean yeah, my brothers, Dad and me throw the footy around sometimes, especially when the hands are around but still...the actual footy on TV...I'll pass. Franks the best to play with because he goes ballistic with the ball likehe wants to murder it.

        Am I the only one to think the commentators are in love with the players? Hate to break to the nation but footy players aren't heroes. Farmers are. 

            A give them a small wave and a quick smile but head toward another seat.

 No luck they move to me.

             'Hey we just wanted to say that throw you did with the orange at lunch...hell that was sick. We hate that pricks guts big time." The guy raised his hand for a high five...which I gave him.

 The other guy sat in front of me and turned around in his chair, " Why'd ya throw it anyway?"       

             "He deserved it." That had become my standard answer to everyone's questions about it.

             "Dumped ya hey?" The first guy asked.

             "What? Get real, as if I'd go out with him!" I felt my face scrunch up like even the idea of that smelt disgusting. The guy in front of me was okay looking but I had to be honest, from what I've seen  Seth is pretty damn fine...actual the finest here...but I don't know...arrogance kind of turns me off. So does herpes.

             The teacher came in, some guy in his thirties I'd say, Mr Keegan.

             "Settle down kids and grab your books out."

 I made no move to do that, half my mind was preoccupied by the mysterious 'dinner' tonight and the other half wondering what Amber and I could train for.

             "Avalon, magazine away please. Maths book out."  I didn't put my magazine away instead I pulled out a random work book and put it on top of the magazine. None of my 'work' book contained any work.

             "Right today we are going to work on graphing. Graphing is an important skill to learn so that we may further understand the world around us..."

 I didn't listen from then on. In fact I was finding it very hard to sit still. Normally at home I woke up around 5am did my chores, had breakfast and went off to work. Our cook slash tutor kept me with him while we prepared dinner and taught me stuff as we worked. I was good at fractions...that's about it. Especially when it came to portioning. Daryl loved that word...portioning...

Sometimes I would have to go on the online school but Dell would hide down out of sight of the camera and help me answer the assessment tests. No one at home cared.

            On days I'm home, after dinner I work around the yard until dark when I shower and sleep in the stable with Amber or Frank if he felt like wandering in. Sitting around listening to crap all day was really wearing me down. 

            "So looking out in to the car park I see, four brown cars, sixteen red cars and twelve blue cars. Can everyone write that in a table in your work books please and then graph it using a bar graph. That of course is an easy peasy graph, enjoy it while you can because next up is exponential graphs using algebrea... but in my experience it's alway good to have something simple to refer back to."

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