Chapter 27 - heart thud

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Thank you to A7Xchevette96 for the amazing new cover. I LOVE IT thank you

OKAY as usual not edited and not even reread this time lol - I'm getting slack. :D

"See? I told you he needed to be taught a lesson," Terry said slinging his arm around my shoulder as we watched Seth turn his nose up at us like we were some maggoty three day old carcass.

"That's the understatement of the year, the guy's a dorb about stuff like this," I frown at Seth's retreating back. "I mean why in hell is he like that? You're not." Terry, is nothing like his grandson.

Terry turned and gestured toward Seth's house sprawled over the immaculate green lawn, a sour thread uncurls in my stomach as I note my Mothers house sitting coldly and majestically next to it.

"His mother was always one of those girls, the ones that had to have the brand names, the hair done, be seen with the right people, have the right job, talk the right way. Your Seth's only hope my friend," he smiles at me teasingly.

"Well then, he's done for mate because I don't think even I have the capacity to pull his head that far out of his butt," I give him an apologetic look. I would need Nathan here to do that kind of damage.

"I think you would have the capacity to pull just about anybody head out of their butt," he laughs.

"We'll see," I grumble. "I'll have to flog that excavator again and use the hook and chain."  

He pulls me into a hug, "Just don't give up on him will ya?"

Sometimes I hate being tasked with stuff, I hate letting people down. And honestly today Seth pissed me off. I think with his stuck up status attitude he's missing out on all the fun. I honestly am having a ball, these people rock. Everyone else is having fun; even Sam and hell even Noah has gone down the slide.

 He looks at me funny, I don't know whether it's a challenge or not. I hate not having something to go off with the people here, even if my assumptions are based on animal behaviors. With Noah I just am finding this new addition to his empty eyes... like walking up a steep driveway with a ton of loose gravel on it. It makes me lose my footing... and that is not a regular thing for me. I don't like it. It makes me get my back up.

"Tell me," Terry says smiling out at Seth doing something on the waves, "what would you do if we all turned up in these shirts to one of your comps?"

"Please! I would love it; I would grab the microphone from the announcer and give you a huge shout out! By the way if you want to test me at my word, I have a comp on Saturday, you guys are more than welcome but you hafta have only GO AV written on the shirts cause I seriously hate being called Avalon. Reminds me of lovely times with my mother." I laugh as the two ladies that get really in the cheers, Irene and Gwen, look like they've just won the lotto.

They grab each others hands and dance around in a circle squealing. "Can we make up new cheers?" they ask.

"Of course, my horse's name is Amber and you had better include her name in there somewhere or she'll attack someone," I smile at their excitement. It has never worried me what people think is great, if something makes them happy who am I to say that they shouldn't do it.

"What would embarrass you?" I turn to find D crawling up the sand bank from having another go on the slide, which incidentally has made us like over four hundred dollars to go toward the instruments at the hostel. I'm really pleased that she came today and is having fun. I notice Amanda gave her a wide berth this morning.

I shrug, "nothing really."

"Nothing?" Tina queries from next to me, she seems incredulous.

"I mean I get uncomfortable about some stuff, like wearing this bikini. I guess it's unfamiliar to me, now that I've put D's shirt on I feel ok, but as to embarrassed. Never. Pop always told me that peoples actions are made from their choices, so who am I to say that their choices are wrong. If I realise I've made the wrong choice, I had for a reason at the time, so I just live with it and learn from it. Nathan and I always do stuff that other people find outrageous I guess, but it's because those things, they make us feel good and alive. If I embarrass someone when I'm doing something what I want to, well, to me they aren't really worth worrying about."

AVALONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora