Chapter 69 - Demons and Angels

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A/N - sorry about this chapter in advance, it was written in my study breaks and I had a couple of huge assignments due in the same week, so not sure if it even makes sense

I shouldn't have been surprised when my hand pulled out my phone, firing my lagging brain into action.

Last word junkie here.

That bikini better stay on, Longbottom I text him.

He won't get that, but when I look back through the messages it will remind me of how I feel about this moment right now. Like I did about Neville Longbottom's parents.  I raise my eyes to the stars. "Enough with the 'Crucio' curse on him life or you and I will come to blows." I threaten whoever is calling the shots. He needs to have a break from the pain.

Also, I loved the bad Professor Moody, way more than than the good one, so I imagine I'm him texting it, with his eye knowing if Noah takes the bikini off or not. I'd love one of those eyes. In fact, I decide there and then that seeing if he's got that top on is way more important than school, I will get proactive and take the day off tomorrow and make a surprise visit to check. 

My phone makes the swishing sound.

Longbottom? WTH? God, will I ever get you?

The sound of a engine purrs loudly to life up further up the beach, I know his car already. Jordan would be proud of me, part kelpie.

Not a hope in hell but I her my family tell other people to just go with it (a)

I'm glad he's able to talk, wants to talk, his car's brake lights stay on. I'm relieved he's not taking off like a maniac.

The woosh makes me look down.

I guess, there's a tiny sliver of light in the whole situation tonight. I definitely will have nailed 1 of the 20 things -_- No.3 "Surprise her."

That makes me laugh out loud. But then I think about it and kind of can't help but bite my lip. Out of the whole night, the main thing that surprised me ... was well... me, wanting to kiss him. Should I tell him that though now that I know his issue, will it freak him out and send him back to square one. Will he not trust me anymore?

I want to write it to see what he thinks about it but I don't want him to bar me.

Argh dilemmas. It may take his mind off the crap though and I would know then where he stands wouldn't I?

Yeah, a few things surprised me tonight, especially me.(a)

I hover over the send button, bugger it, if he takes the bait he takes it. I won't be feeling all hoo haa from what I feel.

His lights keep moving forward.

What surprised that you stayed around the big bad wolf? (n)

I laugh again As I slowly make my way up the sand, I reread it. Noah's text sounds bitter but also like he's testing my reaction. Wait until he meets Nathan, he will understand why I don't consider him the big bad wolf. Actually, if Nat comes I better not introduce him. Nathan won't like him guaranteed. Or Seth... D yes but that's it apart from Harry and Flea.

Dont text and drive you. And big bad wolf? Please... You're dreaming. As a highly experienced rater (due to having copious amounts of 'grrr' times with my brothers who are much scarier than you), I rate you as scary as a ... yabby. (a)

That should annoy him, I giggle, feeling the fire of 'engagement' stirring in my bones. I love teasing.

A yabby? You've got to be kidding me.(n)

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