Chapter 23 - my choice

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"Okay guys, I'll guess I'll leave you to it, call me if you need me or whatever. Nice to meet you Damo," I smile holding the door open. "I so love this shirt D, I'm gonna get you to make another one for someone else, I'll ring you about it. See you later." I love D's smile, I can't believe being asked to make a shirt would make someone smile that much.

Jaime and Wade gesture up the hall where two girls that are normally hanging with Amanda are approaching. They seem to be the type of girls that normally wouldn't be caught dead approaching anyone outside of their friend group unless it escalated their social standing somehow. I don't get all that stuff.

"Skanks are so happy for some drama," Jaime says leaning on the wall. "Look at 'em all high and mighty now they're being sent on the mission to wrangle in the offender." Jaime obviously see it my way.

"I'm still in a totally rotten mood," I say loudly in an annoyed voice. I wink at Jaime as the two girls give each other wary looks. "So wrangling will definitely be included in their job description."

"Touch us and you'll probably be expelled," one says haughtily although I see the fear in her eyes.

 I laugh out loud, "And what about me gives you the impression that threat scares me or that I would touch you without a twenty foot pole?"

I whisper loudly in Wade's ear, "I don't classify punching as touching though... do you?"

"Nah," wade whispers shouts, " That's definitely not classified as touching."

"You have to see the principal now Av-a-lon," the other girl pipes up form behind the other one. She says my name like in long syllables and her head moves from side to side like she's on one of those talk show things in America that Dell like to watch while she's eating lunch.

I've never been one to do anything the easy way and the way these chicks are they'd be lucky to get a tractor to pull me wherever they want to go, so I just shrug and head back into the photo room with the others. Jaime and Wade follow me cracking up.

We wait grinning, we can hear them arguing outside the door about who should go in and get me. They retreat, good move. I sit down on the desk next to Tina, who by the looks of it is in full organizational mode, writing all these ideas down for D's clothing stuff. My name appears quite a bit I notice and my stomachs sinks when I notice it scrawled next to the word dresses.

Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it, seems like a lot of that gong around lately. I know that D's designs aren't made for barbie dolls like the stuff my Mum buys me to wear so I guess I can cope with putting them on for a minute each while I get a photo taken.

 "What's this? Bondi? what the hell am I going to do there?" I ask pointing to another incidence of my name.

Tina looks up at me excited, "yeah we figure that D should do collections, like Rebel Heart for the country stuff and of course other names for the other stuff, but Bondi markets are huge and she would get well known there, and it would be good if you were there like, wearing some of her stuff and just helping her out. We will too, but you will be in the photos and stuff."

 "Does helping just involve standing there or does it involve money stuff? 'cause I really am only good at certain things with maths... like worming ratios and stuff... not serving people with money," I frown.

Everyone laughs, but I'm being serious here. I am not good at all with stuff that doesn't involve the farming side of it. I mean I can work out the ratio of oil to petrol, how much to worm a certain weight of animal, heaps of practical stuff but I don't really deal with money, I spend it rarely and I have in my hands even rarer than I spend it, well normally, since I've been here I've been spending like a pro, but that's different I'm spending it and they work out how much change I get.

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