Chapter 21 - banana mooves

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A/N -  this one is a relaxed chapter between Avalon and Seth... still I hope you enjoy it.... just felt like writing a bit of chill time for them

I certainly liked food shopping better than clothes shopping; and especially without my real pimp, Mum. There was so much food'n'stuff and choices of everything. I can't wait to send through the box of all the cool stuff I bought home, I wish I could see their faces when they opened it.

 Nathan would probably hold up the sauces and narrow his eyes at Daryl.

"You wish Heinz would make a new flavor of sauce after all these years do you Daz?" I can imagine him saying eyebrow raised.

I actually had fun with Seth today, I kind of feel bad I mean I already realized I was using him a little bit as a scape goat and kind of concentrating on him for something to get me through... to keep me sane here but now... now I'm beyond excited, I'm going to compete on Amber and go looking for a horse to jump with an absolute legend.

I have goals, and I reckon once I start working I will kind of feel like me again. If that's makes sense.

 I put the last bag into the boot Seth shuts it down and I push off the trolley to the thing where all the people put the trolleys back when they finish with them, riding it as it rolls along.

I smell something delicious and turn following my nose to see two guys walking along with a white wrapped roll of hot chips. Mmmm. I'm gonna go ask Seth if he wants to stop and get some on the way home.

Stopping suddenly I narrow my eyes; Seth is acting all... extra laid back. Except it's the 'extra laid back' that our Stallion, Pete exhibits when a new horse comes around that he has taken an instant dislike too.

I mean he acts like he couldn't care less about the new horse... but the minute the horse gets within a certain distance that Pets predisposes is the spot... (this spot always changes too) the façade drops and Pete becomes 'PETE! Stallion extraordinaire', head hog of the station, prancing devil and absolute mauler of horses he gets hold of... or wishes he could get hold of, he's doubled fenced in with a couple of his friends that he likes, because all in all he is a working stallion, we can't afford for him to be all... I will kill everything that doesn't wink at me from under its tail.

Anyway that's what Seth is looking like now, there two guys, there with the same tattoo design running down their right arms.

It's like a laid back Mexican stand off.

The weight of my knife sits reassuringly against my leg, my brothers get into fights sometimes when we go out... after shows or whatever and I don't run off screaming I get in there and help. As I said family first... except when it's over a girl... and that's a rare occurrence... although that is how Angus met Dell. Long story there.

I walk over casually and position myself in a way that Seth will have room to move and I can some in from the side if it goes pear shaped.

 I may be little but I have had pretty intense training from my brothers in how to throw a hard punch.

Seth glances at me and leans on the boot of his car.

I see their eyes look me over with interest. Ew.

I'm good at reading body language, it's pretty much a skill you acquire young working with animals and all these meatheads including Seth are all sizing each other up, there's a lot flashing agro eyes here and ultra relaxed bodies.

These guys are letting Seth know they are here, but they are hoping that Seth doesn't challenge them because I can see they are a little bit rocked back on their feet, they are sure that Seth could take them, which is mildly interesting.

All I can think of mostly is hot chips.

Seth pushes off the boot he was leaning nonchalantly on and indicates for me to get into the car with his head.

"Are you ready? I just smelt hot chips and I'm literally gonna kill someone if I don't get some soon," I say with a sweet smile at the two guys now flexing their hands.

"We'll take you to get... some," one of them says, I hear the innuendo in his tone but decide to play it cool.

"Yeah but Seth has the sauce I like, thanks anyway," I playfully waggle my eyebrow and wink whilst I grab the handle.

Seth's eyes meet mine and I wish I could do a fake gag motion at him but that would give it away.

THERES MORE TO THIS CHAPTER, you can see it in the published version on Just search AVALON + MCKINNON :)

Lots of people ask why? Or state how rude etc that Ive done this. I was advised to only leave maybe 6 chapters and take the rest of the book off because leaving it takes away even the tiniest miniscule chance to have any publishers even glance at your book. I thought taking a few chapters out may be a better compromise. I think it's fairer and in this way I havent snubbed advice to remove part of the book. I'm sorry again.

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