Chapter 13 - The Naked Chef

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I didn't want to get out of the water, concentrating on perfecting moves for the weekend had taken my mind of Avalon and the whole... cow experience.

That wasn't the only reason though, Amanda has been waiting on the shore, clapping and cheering every time I did anything...even paddle for the last two hours. The guys were relentless in giving me a hard time about it, what the hell was she on?

I'm never, ever sleeping with her again.

No matter how desperate I am. I think about how I got that desperate in the first place.

Again, all Avalon's fault.

            "I gotta go Sam," I say heavily, not wanting to go home. I never do.

Sometimes I hate home, Mum and Dad are strict but don't really, if that makes sense. They just like me to get good marks, good scores...look good...all that. Then that way I guess they don't have to worry too much about parenting...real parenting. Not that it worries me...I just put on the good son act and then go do what, who I want and buy I want.

            "Give us a lift back will ya?" Sam paddles up beside me, looking as bummed as I felt. I guess he doesn't want to go home either. Does anybody want to go home around here?

            "Only if you distract Amanda for me, fricken psychopathic leech!" I grunt, pulling my lips back in her direction. I felt like paddling up the beach to get away from her neon pink claws. Saturday I'm going down the coast to surf, where she can't find me.

Sam laughs, "what's got into her...apart from you...that's she forgotten the rules?"

            "I have no idea; suddenly she's acting like my girlfriend. I slept with bloody what? That doesn't mean anything!"

            "Yeah otherwise you would have girlfriends coming out your ears, you whore!"

            "Shut up, you can talk!" I growl paddling slower so he will get to the shore first.

Today seems not my lucky day, even Sam's scary scowl doesn't distract her advance though she does walk quite a distance around him.

I push her off roughly as she tries to kiss me; she almost falls over but steadies herself at the last second. She's not happy. Me either so suck it up.

            "What are you doing here?" I ask her roughly, hoping my overly annoyed voice will drive home the point.

            "I'm here so that you can make up for your crap attitude to me from this morning," she replies wrapping her arms under her chest, pushing up her wares. Yeah still not interested. Amanda schools her face into something she thinks I will perceive as sweet. Epic fail there babe.

She's got a load of make up on, no wonder she never goes in the water. I'm tempted to chuck her in but seriously can't be bothered touching her anymore than I have to. Which is now not at all.

            "Get lost, I never asked to you come over!" I spit nastily as I walk past her with my board tucked safely under my arm.

She grabs the end of it which really pisses me off. I hate anyone touching my board. I glare at her until she realizes her mistake.

She stomps the ground, tears sparkling in her eyes "you are the worst boyfriend in the universe!" she cries kicking up the sand and storming off.

            "Boyfriend?  She thinks you're her boyfriend?" Sam falls on the ground laughing.

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