Chapter 31 - Angel's bum wiggle

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This chap was tricky because I never planned for Noah to go to D's.... he just wanted to so... yeah hope it comes out ok. and Sorry about picture close your eyes under ahhh 13's... ;)

I thought about the whole Noah situation for like five more seconds, because really... I have no experience in this field. Everything I've come across here so far in the city I could relate somehow to something I have experienced at home, even if it's only been animal behaviour that turns out to be a suitable match.

Confusion is something I don't do well with at all, because it's rather an alien emotion to me – the only time I feel it is about school stuff which I never will get and I don't care about anyway. My brain normally decides on an action and I just go with it, but this stuff with Seth and Noah lately... it's like my brain has a different idea to my body. It's frustrating.

The only thing that I can do is talk to someone about it, obviously not Seth or Noah because there's a good chance I'm reading the whole situation wrong. At home Nathan and Jordan are the closest in age to me, everyone other guy that's comes to work with us is old... or kind of young but old in the head, so that's the type of interaction I'm used to so there's no confusing anything there. Maybe it's the age; I nod to myself that makes sense. Teen boys on movies are all get close and touchy... hmmm.

It's the thought of me being a normal teenage girl that makes me frown.

Thinking of Nathan leads me to think of Jesse Holden, I feel my cheeks heat up. I was going to kiss him, partly because Dell dared me too but partly because I've kind of always liked him. We get on really well, he's fun and he laughs a lot and is really into horses. He's a great rider and a hard worker. Those things to me are important. Nathan doesn't like him though, well not much anymore... he used to.

Bugger it brain... No more thinking of guys. Horses is it! Brain, you remember that from now on.

Mowing the lawn is therapeutic but there's not much here. Lucky I only had to think for ten seconds. I leave Amber a good strip in the backyard to munch on and head out the front.

My mind wanders to Irene and Gwen and their dancing request, I'm really not too good at dancing. Pulling out my phone I look around for this single ladies thing I will be doing with them.

Found it... good old youtube.

Okaaaay, I'm in huge trouble. This ddnace is pretty full on and for someone like me it's like the Mount Everest of dances; hopefully they will shove me in the back.

Way back.

May as well start practicing now.

I push the mower slowly with one hand while I watch the first bit, frowning as I observe how their butts move like a calf that's just been branded and their hands flick out like Nathan's do when he acts gay, this is a thing he does when Daz tries to cook something really posh.

I try it as I shove the mower along. I rewind it watch their heads this time. They remind me of when people get all up at someone on those American talk show things that Dell watches. Oh hell you didn't. I laugh as I picture their head movements with their hip thrust to the side, Dell would be shushing me right now.

After about ten minutes I've definitely mastered the first thirty seconds of it... well I remember the moves anyway, mastery is something that's probably never going to be in my grasp with this. I've named the moves names like 'talk show head', 'Angel's bum wiggle', "Amanda hair flick,' and so forth. I haven't made much progress on the lawn. Well... I have but it's not straight.

When Nathan, Pop and I dance we have all 'tool' or 'work' names, like the shovel, the mower or the jackhammer. I wish Nathan was here to practise with. It would be a lot funner, he would even wear a leotard with me.

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