Chapter 3 - arrogant dobbing a#$e

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A/N bit of a shorty ...just relaxing after working on Talon

I watched him smirking and laughing with his friends as he walked off, just before they disappeared two of the guys did like a worshipping motion to him.

I frowned, what the hell was this dinner thing about?

I shrugged, why worry, I'm not gonna go anyway. And if I had to it would be the last time Mum would ever ask me.

            "Hey Ruth, chuck us my lunch box." I said sitting next to her. She slid it over.

            "You are in deep crap Avalon. You don't know him. Everyone doesn't just avoid him for nothing you know. And now you're on his hit list for sure." She stared at me as if her eyes could penetrate my brain and show me the severity with which she viewed the situation.

            "I'm pretty sure I was on his hit list before this, actually probably within the first say ten minutes of meeting him...erm that youtube video I posted of him with those two girls... pretty much sealed that." I watched as Ruth's eyes bugged out of her head.

            "What? That was you! WOW...that was ...that was crazy. He was so angry the next day, anyone with a phone out he went nuts on. He shut down the library so no one would look at it on the computers. I think he smashed at least ten phones. I can't believe you hosed his actual bed! You are certifiably crazy! Oh my god...he is seriously going to kill you." She grabbed my shoulder and shook me.

            "Ruth, you have you calm down; if he was as bad as you think he is...he'd be in jail. And since he is at school, listening to the bell times...doing his homework...eating lunch...I dunno... I think it's safe to assume I'll survive."

She just stared at me for a long moment, her eyebrows scrunched together.

            "How do you look so ...innocent and not be?" She finally asked.

            "What? I'm innocent thank you very much Ruth." Inwardly I was laughing as my Dad and brothers were always saying the same thing. Personally I blame my...courageousness - that's what I term anyways - on them, well hell they raised me didn't they?

            Mum always wanted a girl, she had three boys before viola...out I came. But her dreams were  apparently dashed when I was a Daddy's and brother's girl...not a girly girl and definitely not a mummy's girl.

            When she lived with us she always was complaining that I was just a mixture of my Dad and brothers...well what in hell was wrong with that?...She was the one who had married Dad and had my brothers. They were part her too.

             My second eldest brother Nathan never had a good relationship with my Mum because he was one of twins and unfortunately the girl twin died during birth. Mum always blamed him because he was really big. He resents her big time.

             When I look back I realise that Nathan was always the one that tempted me into playing and doing boyish things. I remember when he bought a sheep over when I was like three or four and tied me on his back in the round yard. It went bucking around, I started screaming and laughing because I loved it, and it was so much fun...until my Mother  came out and went absolutely hysterical. Nathan copped it big time that day...but Mum didn't seem to realise it drive him to further my de-girling.

            He was always the one that took me riding on the front of his pony or motorbike and when I was ten it was him that took me out to see Star have Amber, it was him that pushed me to ask for her, him that patiently instructed me when I broke her in, him that taught me to ride motorbikes, shoot, fix stuff, lift weights...basically anything that my Mum disapproved of he would teach me.

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