Chapter 22 - Rebel Heart

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Dedicated to Snickersbar12 for the great cover... thank you!!

Getting out of the surf I throw my wet hair back and as the cold rivulets trickle down my back, an idea hits me. She's rubbing off on me.

 I dunk my head back in the surf and sprint up the beach and over the road to where I hope she's as deep asleep in the swag as she was when I left at the crack of dawn this morning.

Placing my board down I swing over the fence lightly and tip toe toward her, ready to wring out my hair over her. Hey I owe the damn terror.

I'm so close now I can eye of her dark eyelashes spidering out over her creamy skin, I reach up to my hair and...

"Arrrghhhhhh," I turn so bloody fast I slip over and run on my hand and knees in terror, the sound of its huge feet pounding behind me spurs me faster. Flinging myself over fence I fall over in my desperation to get away from it. Rolling onto my back and kind of crab crawling backwards I stare up at it, its ear are pinned flat against its head and it neck is stretch right out toward me. Bloody hell it's got a neck as long as a giraffe, I scramble back further, hoping the pounding of my heart will deafen it. It snorts and tosses its big evil head up and down clearly warning me off.

Her choking laughter was heard before I got a look a her face, puckered up in the fits of hilarity. She put her hand on her beasts back, obviously trying to hold her self up in her fit of mirth.

'Call it off," I grind out.

"Down Cujo. She's fine now, I warned you last night about how she is when I'm asleep. Which I actually wasn't asleep I saw your face when you came running up so I pretended to be asleep because I was just wondering if you were gonna be an idiot and try something," she hugs her horse, who turns around and puts its head against Avalon's entire torso.

"Shit," I mumble as I slowly pull myself up to a sitting position. "I'll never make that mistake again, that thing is a fricken' menace. Your Mother should ban it."

"No she's bloody not," Avalon replies hotly, totally harking up now, "you say one thing more about her like that and you'll wish you never were born. And say anything to my Mum and... you'll never use that anymore." She points with narrowed eyes to my crotch.

"I was kidding Av" not really, but I have never seen Avalon get like this before, like a dog with it a bone, a dog that will bite, hard... more than once, "settle down."

"I told you before; my horse means everything to me. No one stuffs with her or threatens her," Avalon kisses the thing on the face, clearly that sentiment is reciprocated by the horse, I swear the thing would have trampled me if it had caught me.

"Can I stand in safety?" I say, trying to smile without looking scared of that thing; I don't really want to get Av on the wrong foot now that she has been okay with me, and I like it. Funny thing is when I was surfing normally I just thinking about each move that I'm going to do, I found that I thought about her and actually surfed better.

"No one's stopping you," she rolls her eyes.

She turns and walks back to her stuff and starts packing it away. I watch her for a moment, still dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday. Mental note: never mention the horse, horses... any horse in a derogatory way.

I go inside and start eating breakfast, thinking about Avalon... again. What the heck is this?

 Is it normal for girls to be that protective over their horse, we don't even have a bird or a dog, we weren't allowed to have pets, I know for a fact that Samantha isn't in to animals, I heard her telling my Mum once that she hates them with a passion.

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