Chapter 8 - Smurfs

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Thank you to peculiardreams for the amazing banner! I love it!

A/N - not a real exciting one but...its needs to be in there

Ruth has been alternating between laughing her head off in glee and freaking out. I had told her a play by play description of last night during recess earlier, apparently she still is wanting to talk about it at lunch. My stomach feels like it has been in a marathon of sit ups....I'm so hungry!

            "Av, you are certifiably crazy...I can't believe you did that, next time tell me and I will video it! You really have to watch out for the whole lot of them now." She looked at me seriously.

            "Yeah Av," chimes in Tina who has since today began to sit with Ruth and I, "I understand why you did it, I mean...I know a girl that slept with him and soon as he was finished he kicked her out...but he can be really mean."

            "Honestly guys he had his chance to give me what for last night, but he didn't resort to I don't think he ever will hurt me."

            "Yeah I bet he didn't last night because he really did want to give you what for and not in the violent way ... the bed way!" Ruth laughs so hard she has tears streaming down her face.

            "Ha ha funny. He has bucklies of getting in my pants." I pull a gross face.

Although Seth is really damn hot...he has a crap way of treating women and I want my first time to be with someone that really cares about me ... loves me.

            "You must be the only girl here then that isn't besotted by him." Tina smiles shyly.

I turn to her, "Oh no not you too?" I ask her.

            "I do really think he is the most gorgeous guy here...and if her were nicer...I...well he could butter my biscuit that's for sure"  she giggles and goes flame red.      

            "I feel like an alien. I can imagine you and Ruth staking out his bedroom when you come over for sleepovers. Yeah, I will give it he is good looking...but what else is he worth? Where I'm from people are valued no matter what they look like, everyone has got something to give...but's like your valued if you look's totally weird guys."

It's true though. I was talking to Nathan about it, we have a lot of really rough looking workers but they are honestly the best people you could ever know. They would literally put their life in danger to help you if you needed it...without having to ask them...without hesitation. That's worth more than beautiful eyes, chiselled face and sexy body.

            "Oh my god...look." Tina bumps my elbow pulling me from my thoughts of home...and okay Seth.

            "Wow he looks terrible Av." Ruth bites her bottom lips.

I flick a cursory glance over at him as he walks in followed by one of his normal female lemmings. He has rings under his eyes and he looks like he will drop at any given moment. The lemming however, has the smuggest look on her face ever seen by mankind.

            "Wow it's a wonder how her head fit through the door." Tina seethes lowly.

            "Yeah that's the first time I've ever seen Seth come in with someone...and now Amanda will be intolerable because its lunch time not morning...lunchtime. Ugh." Ruth agrees sending the girl an evil eye.

            "Hold Seth never lets the girl stay after...the deed...and he never walks in with one?" I ask as this information could come in handy if he wants to play games with me.

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