Chapter 28 - annoying people

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A/N - I got a bit of time today so I thought bugger it, I just want to write and write AVALON... so here's it a surprise update :D

"Well my beautiful girl, that was awesome," I lean forward and pat Amber on the neck as we walk home from the soccer game. Bob was just amazing, Wade and Jaime were like mesmerized by him and it really gave Bob a huge pick up when they guys used the tips he gave them and they just rocked it.

The boys' soccer Coach came over and asked Bob to come sit with him and just give him tips, apparently next year the Coach is going to pick up Bob for every training session and game. They had never ever beaten that team before and with Bob's help they won.

Take that Dastardly Doreen!

Even though it was a great game, I couldn't help thinking of today, of Noah and Seth. I mean there was no way I was going into that fray with over one hundred angry morons, I do hold my life is some esteem. Seth can be so annoying sometimes, I really like hanging out with him and then other times he pulls out this stupid attitude and grrrr. Noah... there's just something about him. He kind of reminds me of Nathan, all granite and ice but underneath I bet he is just a big softly looking for someone that isn't scared of him. Nathan is exactly like that, he holds a ton of hurt all from Mum and he just loves that I love him for who is without asking him in any way shape or form to change.

I wonder what happened to Noah. Dad would cringe if I married someone like Noah, someone that would back up my crazy plans with strength.

Groaning out loud I notice Mum's car parked in the drive, I wish she'd just go already. The orange plastic is still there on the beach so I grab it and carefully walk into the back yard, hiding it so she won't throw it out. Anal clean freak.

After grooming, rugging and feeding Amber I notice my Mum pacing in the soft light of the window. She's rang my phone hundreds of times. I have, of course, ignored all her calls. I don't feel like hearing about all the stupid rules she'll set me for when she's away, she's bloody lucky that I'm not going through with the cow in this very backyard. Part of me wishes I still was but Harry needs that stuff more than Mum's pristine backyard. I'll annoy her some other way.

Drumming my fingers on my leg as I think, I see Seth's bedroom light is on, now that's a better idea.

"Good night girl, love you," I whisper as I kiss her beautiful face.

Tiptoeing to the fence I hoist myself up and look through the window, Seth is lying on his bed. Something held to his face.

"What's up buttercup?" I ask cheerfully jumping through to land on his floor.

"Get out!" he growls at me, his voice full of accusation.

"Yeah not gonna happen, I'm gonna keep you company for the night. Aren't you a lucky boy," I smile at him innocently, but my brain, she's readying her claws because I hate being blamed for stuff I didn't do and boy did I hear the blame in that tone.

"No way, I asked you to come before but no, you just couldn't come could you and look what happened," he pulls the tea towel off his face to reveal a busted lip, a yellowed jaw and a huge purple and black swollen eye. He stills looks attractive which irks me. I've developed this thing where I find men really sexy when they are covering with something, grease, grime, dust, dirt... blood you name it... it just looks... masculine.

The door opens behind me but I don't turn to see who it is, my fiery brain doesn't care.

"Are you blaming me for today?" I say in my scary quiet calm voice. Nathan would back away if he heard me use it.

"Bingo, we've got a bright spark here!" he snaps sarcastically, gingerly placing the ice back on his face.

"You're a fricken baboon! I bet you blame me for your runner up rank too! Well here's the thing jerk, I don't take any responsibility for any of it. You are a spoilt fricken status hungry, blind idiot! People came to cheer for you because they genuinely wanted to see you do well! And you were embarrassed! Embarrassed of your own Pop who bloody well taught you to surf you ungrateful bastard." I was yelling now and Seth had taken off his ice pack and was getting up now, anger shadowing his patchy coloured face even more.

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