Chapter 5 - Bad Sausage

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A/N - I love writing this story...its so funny and easy...just flows right out lol.

Dedicated to dualcommand for her amazing drawing of Av and Amber

Walking outside I rolled my eyes as Don...oops Donald, Mum says I must say his full name. I think they should be thanking me for saying Don...Donald ...kinda sucks. And let me add, this Donald's hair doesn't kind of suck it majorly sucks. Bert Newton has a better toupee! Mum yelled at me for saying it was a toupee, apparently that in also in style here having hair that looks like you pulled it off an over sized lego toy and sat it on your head.

             Least Seth leaves his hair out... What the hell did I just think!!! I gave myself a mental slap. There are no redeeming factors to that arrogant jerk. I also remind myself that I have to be seriously sneakytonight and do some serious plate swapping. Jordan once acted like he had tampered with my dinner so I made him swap. He knew I would do that, he acted all stubborn about it...but I fell for that trap and ended up with his dinner but it was the one he had tampered with. I won't do that again!

            My lovely Mother and Seth's Mum were going to end up with both of our plates if I suspect even the tiniest tampering.

            Mum's house and Seth's parents house were right on the beach, they were huge monstrosities of things too. Rendered cement and windows everywhere, they must have got a cheap deal on an architect...everybody's house in the whole street looked practically the same.

Anyway, Mum's there straightening herself out, positioning herself  dramatically on Dr. Donald's arm, she gives me a flat 'not happy Jan' look before she knocks daintily on the modern looking door.

            My face does a weird contortion when a bloody maid answers the door, in like real black and white maid stuff. I'm definitely going to have to get a shot of that for my brothers. No wonder Seth thinks he's like some some chores mate...harden up.

My Mum has gone all snooty and totally walks past the maid without a look. Hmmm.

            "G'day," I smile at her, clearly no one really talks to her, and she looks that surprised. "I'm Avalon." I put out my hand to shake hers. She hesitates, before timidly shaking a few of my fingers. Her hands are really cold.

            "What's your name?" I ask her.

            "Younyonsoomin" I take a step back. Whoa. I have seen Asian girls on rare occasions that I have gone to the city and obliviously on movies and stuff but I've never talked to one before. I had no idea what she just said but I'm sure I heard a Sue in there so that's what I'm going to go with.

            "Sue?" I give her a smile; she tilts her head on the side. "I'm gonna call you Sue ok?" I'm not sure if its good manners just to 'name' people how you want but there's no way I'm going to be able to repeat whatever she said before.

She nods and says come. Mum and Don have already walked off to ...wherever.

            "Hey are you the cook Sue?" I ask her.

            "Me cook yes."

            "Cool I'll come to the kitchen with you." I smile at her double glance at me.

We enter this big space age shiny steel kitchen with food everywhere and stuff cooking. It smells yummy. I frown inwardly because I had planned not to eat...but my stomach is telling me that plan is a no go. Okay I rethink the situation here. I will just start helping to protect the food and maybe kind of eat as I go.

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