Chapter 14 - I Won't

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I try not to laugh out loud at Seth's response to why I'm here. It looks likes his eyes are following an ADHD fly. He obviously isn't a talker.

Jordan is like that, he doesn't talk much about stuff; I always seek him out if I just want some down time...where I don't have to talk. Jordy's obsessed with mechanics, he fixes everything from our heavy the helicopters. He has a serious gift, although Dad always tells how he wasn't too over the moon about Jordan's 'gift' when he was little because he used to take apart everything... without permission.

Dad cracked up when he took apart Pop's favorite watch when he was five but then I think when he was seven... Jordy took apart some bits in the tractor and Dad didn't find it so funny, actually Dad went nuts.

So anyway Jordan likes to occupy himself with stuff like that, I hang out with him sometimes and he teaches me about what he's doing...he's very patient and a great teacher...but not a 'about stuff' talker.

Pop and Nathan on the other hand, Dad calls us 'the three old ladies', we talk about everything... right down to the grittiest detail. The topic of my Mum is a favourite. If there's ever a job that calls for three, we always put our hands up, we have the best fun. I love my whole family – at the station – but Nathan and Pop are my favorites to hang around with.

I strum the guitar again and let Seth off the hook, I am supposed to friendly today... right up to 11.59pm that is.

How pathological is my fear?

I would rather sleep next to him, the one probably sporting some rotten sausage disease, than in my own bed in a house that is home to my Mother. I should get over it but I can't it's too deep seated. Plus after I finish here I will never have to deal with it let sleeping dogs lie I say.

The night Seth dobbed on me and I had to stay at home, was horrible, I didn't sleep at all. I hated him for it... and I wanted to seriously kill him... but I guess really it's not his fault he didn't know how she make me feel.

            "Who taught you the guitar?" I look up at Seth, who is obviously grasping for a different subject, oh the choice to make him talk about it again or to let it go? His eyes have settled down at least. I wonder really if Seth has... real friends', ones he actually talks too about stuff, because one thing I've noticed is Seth...doesn't like home.

I don't know why I know this...but he gets this body posture... kind of all tense and on guard. It reminds me of one of our old dogs. Once he got bitten by a snake in the feed shed, it was only a python but every time after that he would go all stiff and growly...and if anything made a noise or even lightly touched him he would jump and hightail it out of there barking his head off.

Angus thought it was great and would hide in there and scare him...I know... Angus is sick; I can't believe Dell fell for him.

            "My Pop taught me, he is unreal at guitar. My Nan was a violinist and she taught my Dad that."

            "What about Frank?" Seth asks in a weird sort of strained tone. I glance up at him to see him staring at me, trying to work something out.

            "Frank?" I laugh. Bloody eavesdropper.

            "Yeah, I heard you mention a Frank on the phone..." he trails off as he leans over the side of his huge bed to grab a mag off the floor.

            "Yeah Frank doesn't play any musical instruments," I giggling at the visual happening in my head.

            "Is he one of your brothers?" He asks from behind the magazine, TRACKS it's called. It's got a guy surfing a wave on the front.

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