Part 13

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Part Thirteen.

Jess' POV

Oli tried this before, I couldn't let him make this mistake again, it nearly ruined our friendship before and I wasn't going to let him do it again. I need him there, as my friend and nothing more, he's more like a brother to me. I decided to do the first thing that came to my mind, the same thing that had gotten me through everything... Run. Its like Gerard Way said, 'Always keep running', so that's what I done, no matter what the situation, if it was too much pressure or it was going to ruin me, I run. And that was what I was doing now, I ran and ran. "Jess! What are you doing? Come back!" I heard from the distance, but I was refusing to pay attention. Just keep running! I thought over and over again. It seemed to work because before long I had run to town, which when walking is a half an hour journey, and I made it in 10 minutes!

I couldn't go back to mine. Oli might still be there and I can't face him. I pulled out my phone to try and get someone to pick me up.

*4 Missed calls from Oli*

*7 New messages*

Five of the messages were from Oli;

-Jess what's the matter? come back when you get this

-If you're ignoring me at least let me know you're alright?


-You have visitors who are also worried and your parents will be back soon so COME HOME!

-Kellin just showed up and I had to explain what happened, sorry :(

Shit! What did he tell Kellin? Well he has my number if he had any questions, which left me thinking, who were the other messages from?

*1 New message from Unknown number*

*1 New message from Vic Fuentes*

Do my eyes deceive me? Had Vic messaged me? Maybe the unknown number was Kellin. The singers from my two favourite bands were trying to get hold of me, but this was no time to be pleased, I couldn't feel pleased after what was going on. I had just run away from my best friend because I panicked too much. I seriously didn't deserve this.

-Hey Jess, it's Kellin. I have your number from that night we hung out backstage briefly. Listen, Oli says you just ran off, is everything okay? Message Oli or something when you get this okay? we're all worried about you

Sleeping with Sirens were worried about me? Why... That meant that Kellin, Jesse, Justin, Gabe and Jack might all be outside my house, worrying because of something Oli said. This is where everything could all go downhill

-Hey Jess everyone's causing a commotion outside your house and I only briefly picked up on what's happening, but Jaime is making me message you because I refused to give him your number, classic Jaime. Anyway give us a call yeah? Vic

Maybe I should call one of the guys, i mean, everyone was worrying and I don't like people worrying about me. So who do I call? I could call Oli or Vic because Kellin's number was unknown and my family wouldn't bother answering if they were in the car, so I decided to call Vic.

"Hello?" Vic clearly didn't look at who was calling him. I sighed before replying. "Hey Vic, it's me" "Oh hey Jess! Where are you? Everyone is really worried and panicking!" he said, almost jumping through the phone at me with worry. "I'm fine I'm uh... in town? I ran and ended up here and... does anyone else know you're on the phone to me?" I really didn't want the others knowing where I was, and I trust Vic if no one else had caught on. "Uh, not yet, give me two secs" He quickly mumbled something which I think was him talking to the other guys, I think his excuse was that he needed to run to the shop quick, but I didn't quite hear him. "Okay I've escaped from everyone else and I have a car. Where exactly in town are you and I'll come pick you up." Well at least he wasn't going to bring anyone else with him I guess. "By the big statue thing?" "Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible." He hung up and I sat down on the bench and started thinking about everything that had happened lately. My life is definitely like a fucking roller coaster, and I want off of it.


Listening to; Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace

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