Part 45

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Part Forty Five.

Kellins POV

Last night we booked a hotel so we can look around the town for Jess. I'm not going to lie, I have been crying for quite a while with my phone beside me, just hoping that I will somehow get to talk to Jess. I miss her like crazy, I haven't slept at all, and once we've found her which I know we will, I'm going to personally kill Russell and hold Jess in my arms for eternity. If anything has been done to her, I will not be someone that anyone will want to mess with.

Jess' POV

I opened my eyes, my head was in a lot of pain and my throat was dry. I couldn't see my surroundings properly, it was dark and I'm assuming Kellin brought me back to the bus or something. I can't remember what happened last, all I remember was watching the guys on stage. Suddenly some lights flickered on, and a dark figure stood at the other end of this room. I looked around, not recognising any of my surroundings, and then the figure spoke. "And now the show begins". The voice was low and dry, and I could recognise it anywhere; Russell. "Hello Jess. I missed you" he snarled, slowly making his way toward me. I just sat here, a blank but pissed off expression on my face. "Don't be like that, you know it's still me you love and not that faggot" he continued, kneeling down in front of me. "So what exactly do you plan to do with me, and more importantly where the fuck are we!" I said, gradually raising my voice, seeming more confident that I actually am. "Well, we're going to test how far your so called boyfriend will go to get you back. And we're back in Los Angeles, there's no way of getting out, I made sure of that" he said; how did he get me back here without raising any suspicion? "Now then, first things first, lets call him up" he smiled, pulling my phone out of his pocket. "Here, I'll let you, and it can't be traced. I made sure of that too". He really is a psychopath. "Also because I'm nice, I'll let you two have some privacy" he continued, putting his face mere inches away from mine. "But just know that you will always be mine" he said, glaring at me as he left the room. I unlocked my phone, noticing it had recently been charged and called Kellin up; I don't know what I'm going to say, but I do know I need to apologise.

"Jess! Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me"

"Oh my god it's good to hear your voice! Where are you?"

I'm starting to feel like this is a bad idea, I know Russell wants to mess with his head.

"I'm in Los Angeles"

"Can you be more specific? I need to see you Jess I've been worried sick"

"You can't"

I could hear how much that upset Kellin, but he doesn't know what he's getting into.

"Wha- why not?"

"Russell... he took me back here and I don't know where I am, but I'm not hurt"

"Not hurt yet Jess! Seriously I swear I will not stop searching for you until I find you! I don't care what it takes but I will find you!"

"Kellin you'll- he wants you to look for me, it's a trap"

"I don't care Jess! I will do anything to see you again"

At that moment Russell walked in and made his way over to me again.

"Kellin just know this. I love you so much, more than you could ever know. I'm sorry"

"I love you more Jess! That's why I'm coming to find you no matter how dangerous it is"

At that moment Russell snatched the phone out of my hand.

"So, Kellin, if you want to see Jess again, I suggest you do as I say. Message me when you're in LA and we can talk".

He hung up and put my phone back in his pocket. "Well Jess, I'm going out, you have the freedom of that chair seeing as you're secure to it. If you need anything, just shout" he snarled, walking away from me. Oh Kellin, I miss you so much!

Kellins POV

She hung up the phone and a mix of various emotions coursed through me. I knew sort of where Jess was, and no matter how stupid this was, I'm going to help her, with or without the guys. I ran out of my room and down to Toms, where his gaze instantly shot to me. "Kellin what is it?" he questioned, standing up and looking at me with concern. "Jess... I heard... I know where she is" I struggled to reply. "Really? That's fantastic! Where is she?" he asked, darting over to me. "Russell, he... took her back... to Los Angeles". "Great! We'll go to your new place and start searching around then, alright?" he said, trying his best to comfort me. I nodded, knowing that I don't want her left with him anymore than she has to be. We quickly packed up at the hotel and made our way back to the bus that was going to drop us all off at LA.

We all separated, everyone went back to theirs to change before we started searching for the love of my life. I text Russell on Jess' phone to let him know we're back.

- back in LA, now what have you done with Jess?

It didn't take him long to respond.

- Shes safe, for now. Now I have a few things you will need to do to find her.

- like what?

- well, you're going to need to be ready when you find her

- ready for what

- the show

- what's that suppose to mean?

- you'll see

This is all just a game to him. I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands, trying to fight the tears and be strong.

Jess' POV

I sat here, my eyes were sore from the tears that have been continuously falling. I tried looking around, and saw nothing but shadows, and more particular, the shadow of a person. "Hello?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Hey" the familiar voice responded. "Who's there?" I asked, not able to put a name to the voice. There was a sigh before the person stood up from the chair they were sat in and walked into the light in front of me. It was Oli. He looked sad, almost as if he had been crying, but I highly doubt it. "Oli? It's good to see you" I said truthfully. Admittedly he wouldn't be my first choice for people standing in front of me right now, but he's better than Russell. "Really?" he asked, not believing my words. "Well, it would be better if it weren't in these circumstances" I said, laughing slightly to try and lighten the mood. "I'm sorry Jess. For the way I behaved, for getting you into this mess..." his words trailed off as he started whispering. "It's not your fault" I said, which I'm hoping was the truth. "It is, Russell used me to get to you and now you're stuck here whilst he tries to lure Kellin to you". He sat down on the floor on front of me as he sighed. "I just wish I could help you" he said, which I didn't believe I was hearing. "Do you want to?" I asked, waiting for him to say something hopeful. "Of course, but there's nothing I can do" he sighed. "Yes there is. Do you know where we are?". He nodded. "Okay, Russell put my phone on the table over there, you could get Kellins number and help him get me out of here" I said hopefully. "Jess, it's dangerous for Kellin to come here" he replied, looking at me with sad eyes. I thought for a while; who could come here that isn't Kellin? I've got it. "Can you bring me my phone" I asked, and surprisingly he did. I scrolled through the contacts with my one free hand and stopped at one, taking the phone out of Oli's hands. "Jess! Oh my god you don't know how much Kellin is freaking out!" the person yelled down the phone. "I do, I'm surprised he hasn't told you the situation. Anyway, we don't have long so I need you to listen to me. I'm trapped at... Oli, where are we? Oh wow, okay, I'm trapped at the abandoned warehouse near the shopping centre, Kellin can't come here its too dangerous, so I need your help getting out. Next time I ring you, come here okay?" I said in one breath, knowing that Russell could come in at any moment. "Okay Jess, are you alright though" he asked. "Yes I'm fine, just, have your phone on you everywhere, and please don't tell Kellin or Vic or anyone" I asked. "Alright" he sighed. "Thanks Tony, I owe you one" I said, hanging up.

Tony's POV

"Thanks Tony, I owe you one" she said as she hung up. What has she gotten into? "Who was that?" Vic asked, walking into the bus followed by Mike and Jaime. "An old friend" I lied with a half smile. I just hope she's okay.


Listening to; This Is War by 30 Seconds To Mars

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