Part 35

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Part Thirty Five.

Jess' POV

We managed to get through the crowd and back onto the Sleeping with Sirens tour bus, where Jack, Jesse, Justin and Gabe were huddled playing games. Kellin and I sat in the bunk area, leaving the guys to play their video games. Kellin sat me down on our bunk and sat down on Gabe's bunk holding my hands. I flinched slightly due to the wound on my palm but instantly relaxed when I remembered it was just Kellin, the one person I could trust with my life, the one person I did trust with my life. I looked up at him and saw the admiration in his eyes. "I will protect you. They're not getting anywhere near you so just relax and have fun with the guys and myself, yeah?" he said, keeping a serious face the whole time which was followed by a light smile on his lips. I nodded, causing his smile to grow bigger before he leant forward and pressed our lips together sweetly. We sat like this for a while until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We pulled away and looked up to reveal a very red Justin. "Yeah, sorry to disturb you but I need to get to my bunk" he said awkwardly as he pointed to the very top bunk above me. I blushed slightly and picked my feet up, crawling further back into the bunk I was sat in. Kellin laughed before standing up and moving to the side allowing Justin to climb up and grab something before returning to the main lounge area of the bus. Kellin chuckled slightly before grabbing me out the bunk and carrying me through the bus, following the direction that Justin had walked in.

We sat down in the lounge area with the guys and just sat there for a while, watching them play games until Tom came in from the front with some information. "Okay, so it's 1:15, we have a few hours to kill so we were all going to go out for a meal if you guys want to join us?" he asked, instantly wiping the smile off my face; Last time I went for a meal with these guys, I ended up pretty much unconscious at the side of the road. I shuddered at that thought and Kellin must have noticed because he pulled me onto his lap and cradled me in a supportive gesture, and I think Tom realised the same thing I did because he muttered something to himself before he turned around and talked to the other guys. "We don't have to go if you don't want to" Kellin whispered in my ear, resting his head on mine and keeping my less injured hand intertwined with his. As much as I'd like to not go, Kellin needs to eat and he won't go without me, and I can't stop the band from spending time with him before their show. I shook my head before looking up at Kellin's beautiful and innocent face. "No, it's fine. I'm just not doing anything on my own" I said so that only he could hear me, attempting to make a joke out of this serious situation. He chuckled slightly before going back to his serious expression and looking straight into my eyes; into my soul even. "I love you Jess" he smiled before crashing our lips together for a few seconds. "I love you too Kells" I said smiling at him as I pulled away. He smiled back before calling Tom over to explain that we'll go with them.

It was now 2:30 and Tom had rented a minibus so we could all get to this restaurant a little less noticeable than in the tour bus. Pierce the Veil were going to meet us there at 2:45 after their interview. For the whole ride I sat leant up against the window at the front with Tom; I wanted to give Kellin some space to just talk with the guys. From the corner of my eye I noticed Tom peek over at me before turning his attention back to the road; I hate knowing that they're all feeling something towards me like sympathy or worry, its not fair on them, but there wasn't really much I could do about that.

We pulled up outside a place that didn't look fancy and wasn't too shabby; the perfect restaurant. All the band climbed out noisily, but just before I could Tom placed his hand cautiously on my arm and gave me a look of concern with a half smile; I nodded slowly to let him know I was okay and practically fell out, but luckily someone caught me before I hit the floor. I looked up, expecting to see Kellin, but instead I saw, Jaime? Once he put me down I quickly looked at my phone and saw the time; 2:43. "Thanks" I replied meekly and blushing slightly at my almost fall. "Come here Jess" Jaime laughed as he pulled me into an almost bone crushing hug; at least my ribs were practically healed. "Thank you for saving me" I winked at him, and as a response he threw me over his shoulder and started running in circles around the large group that were the band members. "Kellin! Jess is mine, you can't have her back!" he yelled, causing me to scream with laughter, and Kellin to shoot a death glare at him before chasing after us. "Jaime! Give me back my girlfriend!" he whined like a six year old, standing on one spot with his arms crossed. "Dont worry Kells, you've always got me" Vic winked at him, and he overdramatised the situation by jumping up and down like a fangirl, before picking Vic up. There was something about these guys that could always pick my mood up. Jaime took this as an opportunity to mess with Kellin so I went along with it. "Kellin!" Jaime pouted winking at him, before kissing my cheek. This was the point where Jaime had to run pretty fast, as now Vic and Kellin were chasing us, Kellin shouting stuff like "Preciado give me back my girl!" and Vic yelling "Jaime! What happened to Fuenciado!" It took a while but Vic caught up first, tackling Jaime to the ground with me on his shoulder, but luckily before we hit the ground Jaime twisted himself so his back hit the floor and I landed on his chest. "Shit! Jaime I'm so sorry" I pleaded with worry, knowing that Jaime just endured me landing on him willingly. "It's fine Jess don't panic" he said as he was still laughing at the outburst that just took place in the car park. "Thank you Jaime" Kellin smiled as he bent down to pick me off of him. "No problem Quinn" he winked. "How come Kells gets a nickname and I don't" Vic pouted. "Because you're my little Victor!" he yelled, curling into a ball ready to take any playful abuse Vic would give him. "Get ready to run Preciado!" Vic yelled and at that moment everyone burst into more laughter than before at the sight of Vic chasing Jaime. "Jess" Kellin whined at me, still acting like a little kid. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow, smiling at this childish side that he has. "Jaime stole you from me. Now I'm sad" he said, and I laughed slightly before grabbing his chin and pulling him closer to me before whispering in his ear. "Well, what are you going to do about it?" I winked at him and seconds later he had filled the space between us and pressed our lips together. I smiled into the kiss before Kellin deepened it, and I felt like we could have stayed like this forever, until Jaime came and grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my ribs, causing me to hiss in pain from what was now only a minor injury. The second I groaned Jaime put me down realising I was in pain. "Shit Jess I'm sorry" he said and I nodded at him, clutching onto my ribcage. I saw Jaime look at Kellin and mouth an apology, which Kellin smiled and nodded at before coming over to me and putting his arm round my shoulder. "Shall we go inside?" he asked and I nodded, where Justin and Jesse came and helped me in. "Jess I'm really sorry! I completely forgot" Jaime rushed out, the guilt and worry lacing through his voice. "It's fine Jaime, really, it's nothing" I replied as I flashed him an apologetic smile, and he nodded before looking at the ground.

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