Part 40

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Part Forty.

Tom's POV (This is new!)

We can't wait around much longer we need to be on the road soon. I looked down at my watch, 7:34pm. Okay we've really got to get going, there's a hotel booked seeing as the guys have a day to do what they want but we need to leave now. "Okay I know it's still raining and everything but we got to go, like now. I'll pay just head to the bus, Jess, here's the key, I trust you more than them idiots" I said laughing, throwing the key in Jess' direction before turning to pay. "Ouch!" she yelled, dropping the key. I turned round to see her holding her hand, her wounded hand. "Oh shit Jess I'm sorry I forgot" I responded, the sympathy lacing through my voice. "It's fine it's my fault, just go do what you need to do" she replied smiling at me, trying to pic the key back up with Kellin not leaving her side. I nodded and went to pay for the seven meals we had just consumed.

Jess' POV

"...Jess, here's the key, I trust you more than them idiots" Tom said laughing at his own words. He threw the key and turned away and as I went to catch the key I dropped it instantly and cried in pain. Kellin instantly ran over to me and put his hand on my back before I grabbed hold of my hand. "Oh shit Jess I'm sorry I forgot" Tom said walking over to me apologetically. "It's fine it's my fault, just go do what you need to do" I responded attempting to smile at him. I sat here fumbling with the key, attempting to pick it up and Tom nodded before walking away. "Let me see it" Kellin said and I looked at him with a confused expression. "Your hand, let me see it" he replied, his voice full of sorrow. "It's nothing Kellin, it's just painful from where the key hit it. It's healed pretty well though" I said shrugging like it was no big deal. He grabbed my hand but before he had the chance to look at it I clenched it and stood up with the key and smiled before using my good hand to help him up. He gave me a disappointing look before accepting my help and wrapping his arm round my shoulder as we walked out.

"Guys! Embrace the rain!" Jack shouted running in circles. "And girl! Sorry Jess" he laughed. I ran over to the bus leaving Kellin with his band as I unlocked the bus. The second it was open I heard a lot of heavy footsteps darting toward the bus and I quickly stepped to the side to avoid being ambushed by the group of five men.

I sat on the steps waiting for Tom so we could drive to where ever it was we were going and felt a towel get wrapped round my shoulders and someone sit next to me. I looked beside me and saw Kellin, his hair was dripping from the rain and he was holding a bottle of Mountain Dew. "I'm sorry Kellin" I said without realising I had actually allowed the words out of my mouth. "For what?" he replied, laughing awkwardly. "Putting you lot in danger. I should have just listened to everyone rather than run off all the time" I said, shaking my head and placing it in my hands. I heard a sigh before I felt a pair of warm familiar arms wrap around me. "I don't care, it will get sorted and then you'll be safe and i'll be happy" he said kissing the top of my head. "You can't always be there for me though Kell's, no matter how much you want to be or try, you can't be there every second of the day". There was silence before he released me and looked up at me. "What if when we're not on tour, I'll stay with you for a few nights, then you stay with me for a few? That way you still get to see and stay with your family and I can still watch you" he said, his voice full of hope. "You would do that?" I replied, shocked that he was willing to do something that big to keep two people he knows nothing about away from me. He nodded, a smile never leaving his lips. "Thank you" I said throwing my arms round his neck, holding him close to me. "Anytime" he replied before pressing his lips onto mine, causing the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy. "I love you Jess" he muttered as he pulled away, still smiling at me. "I love you too Kells" I replied, smiling that contagious smile with him.

We sat here for a while, talking about random little things until Tom finally came out. "You took your time!" Kellin shouted across the car park at him. "Yeah well you try getting away from someone who wanted you to arrange a meeting with Sleeping with Sirens because they happen to be a huge fan of the band you're managing!" He replied laughing, at which point the guys behind us cracked up laughing because they obviously heard. Tom got over to the bus and Kellin decided to pull a little prank. "Sorry sir, I can't let you on without some ID" he said with a stern and somehow serious voice. "Seriously Kellin, it's raining and I'm cold" Tom replied and everyone behind me were still in hysterics. "Sorry sir but I need ID" he repeated, a smile crossing his lips which he skilfully hid. By now Tom looked pissed off and actually had a piece of ID on him and pulled it out making Kellin laugh before stepping directly next to me, allowing Tom on the bus. I shut the door and walked up the steps only to be gently lifted up by Kellin and carried over to where the bathroom was. "Kellin?" I said, confused by what was going on. "I don't want you getting ill, you need to get changed, I put some of your clothes in there" he said smiling before pecking me on the lips and walking away, shutting the door before he went. God I love this man.

I finished getting changed and ended up taking all my make up off seeing as the rain done a pretty good job of that itself. When I walked out I saw all the guys weren't there which scared me slightly. The bus was obviously moving which meant there were people on board so I went to the front and saw only Tom and the driver. I shrugged it off before going to the back of the bus where only Jack and Gabe were sat. "Where are the others?" I asked and they pointed down the bus. I had just come from there so I knew they weren't but I decided to check again anyway. As I was walking through the bunk area I felt a hand grab my leg and I screamed, jumping up to try and get them to let go. They let go and crawled out of the bunk laughing, which meant I was now face to face with Kellin who was laughing until he noticed I looked genuinely scared. "I'm sorry Jess, it was funny though" he said apologetically. "Whatever Kellin, you scared the life out of me! If you ever do that again I swear I will ignore you for a lifetime!" I said back, sitting down to catch the breath that had escaped when I was grabbed. "I'm really sorry" he said again, pouting in my face. I smiled before pushing our heads together and whispering "I forgive you". He smiled and pecked my lips before running off down the bunk area and jumping on Jack and Gabe, I could tell he jumped on them by the moans they let out.

Gabe's POV

"Kellin get off! You nearly broke my drumsticks" I yelled in his face. He literally just ran in here and jumped on me and Jack. "It's not like you need them right now anyway Gabe, we don't carry the drums in this bus do we?" he laughed, rolling onto the floor by our feet. It wasn't long until Jesse and Justin joined us and we decided we were going to watch a film. We ended up putting on Iron Man because literally nothing else was on and our films were left at home. "Where's Jess?' Jack asked, getting everyone to look around for her. "I'll go" Justin muttered, standing up from his seat on the floor. I looked at Kellin and he looked slightly guilty and sad. "Kellin? Everything alright?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the back of his head. "Yeah, I think I genuinely scared her earlier, I didn't mean to but I wasn't thinking. I hope she forgives me" he said placing his head in his hands. What is actually up with Jess?

After ten minutes Justin walked back in without Jess. "She wants you Kellin" he said smiling and taking his place back on the floor. Kellin stood up and slouched towards the front lounge where Jess was sat.

Kellins POV

I think I've done a stupid thing. I forgot how jumpy she can be and I went and done a stupid thing like that. "Hey?" I said sitting next to her cautiously. She looked up slowly and she had obviously been crying. "Jess I'm so sorry if this is about earlier I-". She cut me off by placing her hand over my mouth and shaking her head. I removed her hand and pulled her into a hug and brushed the hair out of her face. "What's wrong then?" I asked, resting my head on hers. She pointed towards the table, where her phone was and I picked it up, still holding her in one arm and read the message.
- Hope you're ready for the show to begin. Rx
What does he mean? "Jess I swear nothing bad will come to you anymore okay? We will all make sure of that and I want you to be happy" I said, stroking her hair again, but I think the anger was evident in my voice. "I know Kells, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to know about this, it's not fair on you" she said wiping her eyes. "If it means keeping you safe, it matters. Do you want to come and watch the film with us?" I asked, wiping her cheeks. She nodded and attempted a smile, and I took that moment to press our lips together, earning a real smile from Jess. I pulled away and carefully picked her up and carried her through to the guys who smiled but kept quiet. I sat down on the floor and pulled her carefully onto my lap and cradled her as we watched Iron Man.


Listening to; In The End by Black Veil Brides

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