Part 34

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Part Thirty Four.

Jess POV

I looked up and saw Jesse. "Jesse!" I screeched hanging on to him for dear life. "It's okay" he cooed, holding me tight. "You're safe now" he continued reassuringly. It wasn't long before I heard footsteps coming closer, and looked up to see Kellin and... Oli?! "Look who I found helping that other kid pin you up against our bus!" Kellin yelled, the anger evident in his voice. Why would Oli help him? Oli's been such a good friend for years, I just don't see why he would turn on me now. "Russell" I said meekly staring at Oli with disgust. "Wait, that other kid was Russell!?" Kellin screamed, causing us all to jump. I nodded and that's when Tom came over, followed by Justin, Jack and Gabe. "Do you want to take this inside?" Tom asked to which we all nodded. The fans seemed to be respectful as they all cleared a path for us to get inside the venue.

We got inside and Kellin threw Oli up against the wall, although I can't say I blame him. "Why the fuck where you helping that vile excuse of a human being hurt Jess!" he screamed in Oli's face, causing Oli to flinch slightly at his harsh words. "Because of you!" Oli screamed back, planting shocked expressions on all of our faces. "What the hell have I done!" he replied and it took a while for Oli to respond. "I love Jess!" Ih Oli, I know you do, but I don't feel the same way, and that probably wasn't the best thing to say to Kellin. "Well hurting her isn't really putting that across is it!?" Kellin really didn't seem happy at the confession Oli had made. "Dont you see? I tried getting my feelings across to Jess, and she ran! Why can't anyone see how much I love her!" he screamed, almost bringing himself to tears. "Oli I'm sorry, but you are, or were, like a brother to me and nothing more, I love Kellin and nothing's going to change it. I bet you don't actually care about me anyway, especially after I've told you about what Russell done" I replied, leaning into Jesse whilst allowing more tears to fall. "Whatever Jess, you can't run forever" Oli spat as he pushed away from Kellin's hold, which only made him grab Oli's arm, which was followed by a swing for Kellin. Luckily security had picked him up before his fist could actually reach Kellin's face.

I allowed my weakness to show as I fell to the floor and pulled my legs to my chest. "Hey, everything's going to be alright" Kellin whispered as he sat next to me on the cold floor and placed me on his lap. We sat like this for a while until Tom came back over after about 20 minutes of talking to workers at this venue. "I'm really sorry guys, but we have to do sound check now" he said apologetically. "Are the Pierce the Veil guys here yet?" Kellin asked, still keeping a tight hold on me. "Yeah, they're doing sound check after you though." Kellin nodded before kissing my temple. "Do you want to sit with them whilst we go sort this out?" Kellin asked me; I guess I could use cheering up and I'd rather not listen to some guys shouting about technical stuff I don't understand. I nodded, and Kellin carried me round until we found them.

Once we found them we walked over and he placed me down and pulled Vic away to talk to him, probably about the situation that had just happened outside. "Jess!" Jaime screamed in excitement as he hugged me; Jaime's hugs were always so friendly. "Hey Jaime" I replied, trying my best not to show how I was really feeling but I obviously failed due to the next question I got asked from Tony; "Are you alright?" That was all it took. I once again fell into tears, to which Mike picked me up and Kellin came rushing over with Vic. "What happened" Kellin asked as he puPurd me into a hug, and Tony went on to explain how he 'simply asked how I was'.

Vic's POV

Sleeping with Sirens were now doing their sound check and Kellin wanted me to look after Jess, she had such a rough day so I've been told, so I'm making it my duty to make her feel better. 'Stay, for the night, if you want to, I could show you...' Looks like their sound check had started. I looked at Jess next to me and the look in her eyes scared me. It looked like fear mixed with betrayal and hatred. I picked my arm up and placed my hand on her shoulder and she responded very suddenly by quickly moving away causing her to fall on the floor. "Shit, are you alright?" I asked with genuine concern lacing my voice. She nodded and attempted a smile but showed more of a grimace. "What's up? You can tell me anything" I said as I pulled her off the floor. "I know it's just- in all honesty Vic I'm scared. My best friend turned on me to, well, I'm not even going to go into details with that asshole but- my life. It's just getting complicated. I love Kellin..." He loves you too Jess, really he does. "... but I don't want him to get hurt because of my past. Oli threw a punch at him and if it weren't for the security guys to get hold of him, Kellin would be hurt." Her words trailed off and slowly became sobs at the memory of whatever happened earlier. I pulled her into a hug and even though she tensed up slightly I didn't let her go. She needs to know that we're all here for her and always will be. "Don't worry Jess, we won't let any harm come to you, you're safe with us. You're part of the family now" I smiled and she chuckled slightly before nodding.

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