Part 22

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Part Twenty Two.

Jess' POV

I couldn't believe he had just done that. Kellin Quinn just asked me out on stage in front of hundreds of fans and one of my favourite bands and it would probably end up all over social media. This was a dream right? The funniest part was when Jaime ran up to me and threw me over his shoulder yelling that I was his. And then Vic joined in and confronted Kellin in a funny way, this was the best night of my life! And then Kellin carried me off stage and left me here. And now, he was singing the rest of the show away with Jesse, Jack, Gabe and Justin. Could this night get any better?

"Hey" Vic said, nudging my shoulder, I didn't even realise that he was standing next to me. "Oh, hey Vic" I smiled at him. There was a comfortable silence for a while before either of us spoke. "Quite the show eh?" he said winking at me, reminding me of the recent events. "Yeah, it is" I replied, blushing and staring at the ground. "Hey, don't go all silly in front of me. I want you to be able to talk to me. Speaking of which, are you going to tell me why you ran off the other day?" he asked, looking at me with genuine concern. "I uh... it's because of..." Why can't I tell him? I felt like I had known him for ages and it seemed like Vic and I could be great friends, plus he was one of my idols. "It's okay, you don't have to. It would just help me get over this guilt" he said shrugging. "Why do you feel guilty?" "Well, you ran off from me when I was trying to help, and then you got injured and I feel responsible." "It wasn't your fault Vic, please don't feel guilty." He nodded before looking back at the stage, where Sleeping with Sirens were now singing Alone with MGK. This is a great song, I just love the fact that I get to witness it this close. "I'll see you later, Jaime messaged me saying I have to get to our dressing room now" Vic smiled as he hugged me before running off to the Pierce the Veil dressing room.

"Thank you all for coming tonight and supporting us! Also thank you Jess for making tonight extra special! I hope you enjoyed the show! Stay strong and we love you! Good Night!" Kellin yelled, running off the stage with Jesse, Justin, Gabe and Jack following close behind. All the guys ran towards me, creating a group hug with me being squished in the middle. "Can't... breath..." I only just managed to squeeze out those two words. All the guys backed up and high fived each other, and Kellin moved closer to me, holding me close to his chest, before he moved back slightly and gently kissed me. It seemed like forever before Jesse interrupted us. "Kellin I thought we were boyfriends?" he asked trying not to laugh in the process. "Sorry Jesse, but I have Jess now" he said, bursting out with laughter.

Kellins POV

"...Stay strong and we love you! Good night!" I said running off stage, trying to look for Jess. It seemed I wasn't the only one with this idea, because the guys joined in, and we all ended up in a group hug closing in on Jess. "Can't... Breath..." she said, making us all give her some space. The other guys started high fiving each other, so I decided to take this opportunity to give Jess some attention, so I hugged her and kissed her, before Jesse was tapping on our shoulders. "Kellin, I thought we were boyfriends?" he said, his face as serious as possible. "Sorry Jesse, I have Jess now" I said laughing, I couldn't help it, Jesse was reinacting a scene from our dressing room a while back.

'Kellin, I thought we were boyfriends?'

'Get out of my face bitch'

Those were good times. "Come on guys, lets head to the dressing room."


Listening to; Monster by Skillet

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