Part 38

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Part Thirty Eight.

Jess' POV

I was left here with 'the Mexicans' as Kellin put it, but it wasn't bad, we were all joking around and acting like little kids. "So Jess, how're you injuries? They healing?" Mike asked, in all honesty, they weren't that noticeable, apart from when people touched my ribs, or my hand, that was taking its time to heal, but the wound is fully closed and is healing nicely. "Yeah they're getting there" I said smiling and nodding at Mike. "Once again Jess I'm so sorry for hurting you when we all went for food" Jaime said looking really guilty from where he was sat. "Seriously it's fine, you need to stop saying sorry! It wasn't your fault and we were messing around so stop saying sorry!" I said playfully and he shrugged before nodding. "Jess! Kellins being a dick, he won't give me back my shirt!" Justin yelled, walking in once again shirtless. "Well tell him I said to give it back" I replied laughing before turning my attention back to Vic who was sat there with a fake shocked expression on his face. "Fuentes, what's up?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him like Kellin does to me, even though when he does it I'm in hysterics. "We've just been invaded! By a shirtless enemy!" he yelled, jumping up and running around in over dramatic panic. "We must save the lady and keep her innocent vision safe!" Jaime yelled joining in. At that moment Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike walked over to me lifting me up, each holding either one arm or one leg and carefully carried me round to the back of the stage where the venue crew were giving us weird looks or smirks. They ran up on stage with me as everyone had gone apart from people cleaning up and sat me down on a random chair. "Mike, go tell Kellin we have his girl and he's not getting her back until they're all fully clothed and have won the war" Vic shouted laughing. He nodded and ran off, and the remaining guys surrounded me as if they were protecting me from a pack of animals.

It wasn't long until a playful Kellin ran on stage with a now fully dressed Justin and Jesse. "Where are the other two?" Jaime shouted whilst Mike ran back over to us. "They'll be here, so what are you planning? Because either way I'm getting Jess back" he responded, crossing his arms playfully over his chest and raising his eyebrow. Once again I couldn't help but laugh, its just the look on his face when he does that, it really gets to me. "We shall battle! Im not sure how but a battle shall commence for the maiden!" Vic shouted back, whilst I still sat here in hysterics, I actually almost fell off the chair; it was only one of those folding metal ones. Kellin nodded which was repeated by Justin and Jesse, and not long after Gabe and Jack joined them on stage. It was now set so I was behind a line of Pierce The Veil, and at the other end of the stage was a sort of Sleeping with Sirens Pyramid, Kellin at the front, Jesse and Justin behind him each side and Jack and Gabe behind them. I could tell this was going to be funny.

Within seconds Jaime yelled "Attack!" before picking Vic up and rushing over to Kellin and launching him at him. Luckily Kellin managed to catch Vic, but now they were pretending to have a cat fight like a bunch of girls. In the meantime Jaime was running in circles around Jesse and Jack whilst Tony had playfully tackled Justin to the floor and it looked like he was taking a picture of his 'victory'. Mike was stood next to me miming stuff at Gabe who was messing around with his drumsticks. I took this as my opportunity to dramatically end this 'war'. "Guys! Stop your fighting, please. You'll have to catch me to decide the winning team" and in an instant I ran of the stage, being chased by a group of nine men. Anyone who wasn't aware of the situation would probably be concerned for me, but I just found it fun.

I ran over to where a bin was and ducked behind it and watched as all the guys ran past me, pushing each other to get to the front of the group. That was when I decided to go in the direction they had run from and sat down at the side of the stage. I hadn't heard anything from any of them in a while, they've probably split up to try and find me, is it really that hard. I pulled my phone out and opened up twitter, posting;

- Surprised none of the nine guys chasing me have found me. You guys should be good at this!

It was soon responded to by Vic, Jaime, Kellin and Jack.

Vic; We've been searching for ages, Where did you go?

Jaime; Amigo, where you at?

Kellin; Remind me never to play any hiding games with you, but I think I know where you are!

Jack; I can see you from here, but I'm on my own. Can we team up?

So Vic and Jaime are terrible at this, Kellin has an idea to where I am and, Jack can see me? I looked behind me and saw him walking over, crouched to remain hidden. "Team?" he asked and I shrugged before nodding. We ducked down next to the stage for more cover. "We need a plan!" I said and he nodded. We were sat in deep thought when his phone started ringing. He quickly pulled it out and answered it. "Hello? Oh hi Kellin, no I haven't found her yet. You checked my twitter? God you're such a stalker Kellin! Well we're hidden and we're a team now, she's no longer the enemy" he said laughing and hung up. "This is why you don't give your band mates your twitter" he said sighing. "Don't you have to though?" I asked and with that someone jumped down from the stage and lifted me up, being careful to avoid my ribcage.

I was now being lifted, my arms above my head and once I was put down on the stage I noticed Tony, which meant Pierce the Veil had won. "Found you" he shouted in my face, winking at me.

Kellins POV

We ran backstage down the long hall, she couldn't have gotten too far, right?

After quite a while of searching she couldn't be found and there wasn't really anywhere else she could have gotten to. We ran into the Pierce the Veil guys a lot who were still searching, but every time we saw them we gave them a playful shove and ran. "Guys lets split up!" I shouted and darted in the other direction.

After searching on my own my phone went off and I was hoping it was Jess, and just my luck, it was.

- Surprised none of the nine guys chasing me have found me. You should be good at this!

That was shortly followed by a reply from Jack. I forgot I receive notifications from the guys.

- I can see you from here, but I'm on my own. Can we team up?

That's it! There's only one place she can be, I just watched Jack run over toward the side of the stage.

- Remind me never to play any hiding games with you, but I think I know where you are!

I ran in the direction Jack had run and ran into Tony and Vic. "Grab him!" Tony yelled at Vic, and he done just that, he tackled me to the floor and sat on me! "Victoorr!" I whined, dragging out his name. He playful hit my shoulder before pouting at me."Do not use my name that way" and then he crossed his arms, struggling to look on stage. I took that as my opportunity and I pushed him off of me and onto the cold venue floor. I ran up onto the stage but I was too late, Tony was lifting her up from the side of the stage.

"Found you!" He shouted in her face and we all rushed on stage. "Sorry guys but they win" she shouted shrugging. She walked over to me and I pretended to be upset. "Awww is Kellin upset" she said, leaning on one side. I turned my head away playfully and she jumped back into my vision. "I'm sorry Kells, but they won fair and square" she said, before apologetically turning around to walk away. I stopped her by grabbing her arm and spinning her round, pulling her into a deep kiss.


Listening to; I'm The Secret by Jaime Preciado

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