Part 32

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Part Thirty Two.

Kellins POV

"It all started a few years back. My parents don't know, and I don't want them to know, but I was with this guy, Russell, and I found him with another girl and I ran out. It was that day that he first hurt me. As I was running away from him, he tackled me and pinned me down" Jess started, tears forming in her eyes; I felt like a right ass for making her bring this up, and I was pretty sure we weren't even at the worst part yet. I gave her hands a gentle reassuring squeeze and she carried on. "whilst I was pinned down he... he-" fuck, I know where she's going with this and I don't like it one bit! "It's okay, skip past this bit" I said, concern and anger evident in my voice. "Thanks. Anyway, since then he's always been threatening me and abusing me, but never to this extent" she continued, allowing the tears to fall from her face, at which point I pulled her from our bunk and onto my lap where I cradled her, until she was no longer crying. "So those guys we found attacking you in the ally, were they to do with him?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She simply nodded and I picked her up and placed her in our bunk, climbing in after her. "Everything's going to be okay Jess, I promise you" I said and kissed her gently, before I laid with her until she fell asleep.

Once she had fallen asleep I went to the small tour bus bathroom and let the tears in my eyes fall. This Russell guy was making her life a living hell, and there wasn't really much I could do to help her, but I would find a way! I wiped my face, sorted out my now messy hair and walked out to see all the guys crowded round the living room area, all staring at me. "Kellin, we heard crying in there, are you alright?" Jack asked and I just smiled and nodded; that was all I could manage right now. They all went back to their previous activities cautiously so I stuck my head around the bunk area door to see Jess still asleep. Sound check was in 45 minutes. I hope she's up by then so she can come in with us.

Jess POV

"Come back here you little bitch!" Russell screamed as I came closer and closer to the road leading to my house. I was so close when I felt someone jump onto my back, causing me to fall to the ground. I looked up to see Russell holding me down forcefully. "Right you little skank! I don't want you telling anyone about this! Not that friend of yours, Oli, or your family, No one! Do you fucking understand me!?" he screamed in my face to which I just nodded viciously, tears streaming down my face. "One last thing before you go" he growled whilst pulling a wicked grin. He used one of his hands to hold my arms above my head and grabbed hold of my waist. "Please Russell don't do this!" I pleaded but he wasn't taking no for an answer. Suddenly he crashed his lips onto mine and no matter how much I tried to stop him I just couldn't; he was too strong. "Please stop!"

"Jess it's me wake up!" I shot up, hitting my head on Jesse's bunk. "Shit Jess are you alright?" Kellin asked as he pulled me into his arms; one thing I've noticed is that when I'm asleep with Kellin, my sleep is peaceful. Trust me to be messed up. "Oh Kellin thank god" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck, never wanting to let go. "What's wrong?" he asked as he began examining my head after the knock I had just received from the wooden bunk. "Nightmare... memories" I replied meekly, noticing I was once again crying and covered in cold sweat from those horrid memories. "Sorry, this is all my fault. Come with me" he asked and stood up, reaching out his hand which I gladly took; I trust this man with my life.

He walked me to the bathroom. "Have a shower and come find me when you're out, we have 30 minutes so try and be quick okay? I love you" he said before he planted a soft kiss on my lips and walked away.

I climbed out of the shower and looked in the mirror that was above the sink. I remembered the nurse saying before I left the hospital that I had a broken rib. At least the broken part was from the inside of my ribcage so there wasn't much that could touch it or damage it. I stared in the mirror for a while before finally getting dressed and headed out to meet Kellin and the guys.

5 minutes later I came out after getting dressed into some black skinny jeans, an anthem tank and some black converse. I walked over to where Kellin was playing on his phone and sat next to him. "You look much calmer and happy now" he said as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on my temple and pulled me into his side. "Do you want to go in early?" he asked, and I just shrugged, causing him to jump over the back of the sofa and pulled me out from where I was sitting.


Listening to; If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember

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