Part 29

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Part Twenty Nine.

Kellin's POV

We pulled up outside the hotel and there was a small group of fans standing around our main tour bus. As soon as the minibus we were in had stopped, the fans all started crowding round that instead, and I could see Jess looking slightly nervous, so I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Tom was the first to jump out and he cleared a space so we could all climb out of this confined minibus and head in to the bus. We stepped out and I grabbed Jess' good hand again, and occasionally stopped to sign some items and take a couple of pictures, not once letting go of the hand of the girl I fell for so quickly. Once we had made it onto the tour bus, I placed Jess' bag with our bags and showed her the bunk area. "So this is our bunk, Gabe sleeps in the one next to ours and Jesse is above us with Justin above him. Above Gabe is Jack then Tom. If you need anything we're all here for you, you're a part of the Sleeping with Sirens family now" I smiled softly. She smiled back at me and looked down at her hand. "What's wrong?" I asked, taking hold of her chin between two fingers to bring her head up again before leaning forward, pecking her lips slightly. "My hand, that's all" she said simply; it kills me to see her in pain, and to know part of what's causing it. "Do you want to talk about, well, this" I asked cautiously, gesturing to her hand and legs; I remember seeing some painful looking injuries up her leg, and it pained me slightly. She just shook her head with a grimace, so I pulled her in for a bone crushing hug. "Listen Jess, I'm always going to be here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to or to keep you company, I'm here. I love you so fucking much and nothing is ever going to change that" I said sincerely, kissing the top of her head. By now she was crying into my chest and I was trying to calm her down as much as possible before the others got suspicious or worried. I pulled her into my lap in our bunk and started comforting her by rocking her back and forth slightly, and after a while she fell asleep in my arms. I took this opportunity to wipe some of the smudged makeup that had run off her face and laid her down so she could sleep peacefully.

I walked back out to the living area section of the tour bus and everyone looked up at me, and just as expected, their faces held worried expressions. "Is everything okay?" Jack asked, and as a response I just nodded. "Jess started crying a little from the pain, so I sat with her and left her sleeping in the bunk area. I told her how she's now part of our family and that we're all here for her." All the guys smiled and nodded in agreement, believing the small lie I had just fed them. "Right we're about to head off, is everyone here?" Tom asked, receiving hands up from everyone; this was his awkward technique, he counts our hands, a bit like school I guess. "Where's Jess?" he asked and we all pointed toward the bunk area simultaneously.


A few hours passed and Jess was still asleep, Jesse, Jack and Gabe were all playing Video games whilst Justin was out picking us all up some drinks. Tom was sat in the front with the driver discussing the journey so I was left on the couch, checking my twitter and instagram. I was happily looking through some photos when I heard some mumbling from the bunk area. I stood up quickly and put my ear up to the door to try and pick up some of what Jess was saying. "Please leave me alone! Help me, please, just let me go!" I couldn't help but at this point to wake her up, to put her out of her sorrow.

Jess' POV

I woke up to Kellin shaking me, a look of worry on his face. "Jess, are you okay? You were really unsettled" he asked, he looked like he was slightly worried. "Yeah I'm fine, just... just a nightmare" I sighed, shaking my head as I rubbed my neck. I suddenly felt myself being wrapped in Kellins arms, which I wasn't complaining about because that's where I felt the most safe. "No ones going to hurt you, I promise" Kellin smiled, making me relax slightly. "How did you know what it was about?" I asked awkwardly. "Well you sort of mumbled 'leave me alone' and stuff, so, I kind of guessed. But don't worry, I'm here for you and I'm not letting anyone near you, okay?" God I love this, short, absolutely perfect man. I nodded and stretched slightly, still encased in Kellin's arms. "Are you thirsty? Justin's just gone to get us all some drinks before we drive again" Kellin asked as he began incoherently rubbing my back in a supportive gesture. I nodded and looked at the time. "You let me sleep for ages! It's almost nine, we left at eleven this morning" I whined, hiding my face with my hands. That was the first time Kellin had seen me sleep that wasn't in a hospital bed or on a street, and I had slept nearly all day. "Well, you ended up crying yourself to sleep so I thought I would leave you" he said, and before I could reply, he crashed his lips onto mine, causing me to jump slightly. He just smiled and continued to deepen the kiss, and eventually I had to pull away to catch some air. I smiled like an idiot and he started laughing at me before he stood up and reached out his hand. which I gladly grabbed and followed him to the bathroom. "Is everything alright?" Jesse asked and I nodded before Kellin stepped aside giving me access to the small bathroom, where he lifted me onto the sink and started to wipe away the remaining makeup on my face. How did I get so lucky as to end up with these caring people?


Listening to; Tell Me Now by We Came As Romans

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