Part 39

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Part Thirty Nine.

Kellin's POV

We were back on the bus and were on our way to a restaurant. I still freak out whenever we take Jess to a restaurant, I don't want a repeat of the first time. "So where are we going this time?" Jesse asked impatiently. Tom stepped in and explained we were going to a popular restaraunt in the centre of the town we had just performed in, that's what we normally do anyway, surely Jesse could have guessed that. We were all sat round the same table on the bus and the guys were playfully glaring at Jess and she hadn't even noticed, until Gabe threw a marshmallow at her whilst pouting. "Hey what was- why are you all looking at me like that?" She said playfully, pretending to be hurt by their actions. "Well little miss Jess, you are one of us and even though Jack found you first you allowed them to win. What do you have to say for yourself" Jesse whined, slamming his hands on the table playfully. "Well, Jack teamed up with me so technically he was on my side and he didn't find me first. But if it makes you feel better, we'll say you guys won instead" she replied, throwing her hands up in surrender. The guys started cheering at their 'victory', but I sat here trying to act mature. "Kellin, why aren't you celebrating with us? You're not with the Mexicans are you?" Justin said trying not to laugh. "Ermmm no!" I screamed playfully running and hiding in the bunk area. I remained here curled up hiding until Gabe came and dragged me out of my bunk. "Hey! I was sleeping!" I yelled, playfully hitting his shoulder before running back to everyone else. "Jess help!" I screamed, and she instantly stood up on the couch and jumped in front of Gabe, separating the two of us. "No fair!" he shouted, carefully pushing her to the side, avoiding any possibilities to hurt her. "Kellin!" Gabe shouted picking me up and taking me to everyone else so that I couldn't move; I couldn't get very far away anyway considering we're on a moving bus. "I'm with you guys honestly! You're my band mates and close friends I'm on your team" I declared and they all looked at each other before nodding, to which Gabe released me. "Gabe your such a dick, look what you done to my hair" I responded over dramatically, looking into the window to see my reflection. "Whatever drama queen" he laughed. I stood up and pouted before walking over to the bathroom to sort my hair out.

I walked back out only to have Tom walk straight over to me and say "we're almost there so don't get too comfy". I went and sat next to Jess, wrapping my arm carefully around her waist, kissing her temple and resting my head on hers. We sat like this talking to the guys until the bus came to an abrupt stop, causing the two standing up to almost fall over. As soon as the bus stopped Jesse was already at the door, ready to exit the bus and head into the restaurant. "Jesse calm down! We'll be out there in a second" Justin said as Jesse was leant up against the tour bus door. Jess was beside me laughing along with Jack and Gabe, which I couldn't help but find myself joining in.

We got inside after finally managing to find a table that will seat all of us, which means Jesse, Justin, Jack, Gabe, Tom, Jess and myself were sat round one table. It meant pulling a chair over to a six-seat table but as long as we were all sat together it didn't matter.

Jess' POV

We finally managed to sit down at one table after Tom pulled a chair up because he was the last one to get in after we made him lock the tour bus. While the guys were talking about the last of their shows, my phone started ringing and awkwardly my ringtone was still 'A Trophy Fathers A Trophy Son'. "Sorry I need to take this, its my parents" I said shrugging and standing up to walk outside to take the phonecall, but Kellin stopped me. "Let me go with you, please?" he pleaded and I simply nodded.
"Hi Jess it's mum"
"Oh hi, what's up?"
"Nothing just checking up on you, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm out eating with some of the guys"
"That's good, listen, Oli came round with that Russell guy asking when you're coming back and I said I would ask for them?"
Shit... my parents don't know about the Russell incident. I felt a tear run down my face but tried to continue the lie I had started by telling my parents that nothing happened between us. Kellin obviously noticed something was up because he looked at me with concern, wiping away the single tear that made its way down my face and attempting a smile.
"Ermm.. I'm not sure, soon I think, there aren't many shows left so yeah."
There was an awkward silence for a while and Kellin's face dropped when he picked up on what I was going on about.
"Okay well I just thought I would ask. You are safe right? No more incidents and they're treating you okay?"
"Okay and of course I am, I know for sure that Kellin wouldn't let another thing like that happen" I replied truthfully, he's been watching me like a hawk ever since the last incident.
"Okay good, well I'll speak soon, we miss you"
"I miss you too"
"Come home safe okay? We love you"
"Love you too mum"
And I hung up, unable to hold back the tears and longer. Kellin automatically rushed to my side and pulled me carefully into a hug, luckily my ribs shouldn't take much longer to heal which is good because then everyone won't have to treat me so delicately. "What's the matter?" Kellin asked calmly stroking my hair whilst holding me to his chest. "Russell and Oli... they went to my house to ask when I was back. Im scared Kells" I responded truthfully, even though the crying probably gave that away. "Don't worry Jess, I'm not going to let them near you. We're all looking out for you" he cooed, kissing the top of my head and picking me up to carry me inside.

We got back inside and Kellin placed me down in my chair receiving worried looks from everyone, but I smiled and turned my attention to my phone looking through twitter and tumblr. After a while I felt Kellins hand rest on my knee, and I looked up to see him looking at me with a sad smile so I hugged him to try and let him know I'm okay.

Once everyone got eating it was quiet, but it was comfortable. Everyone was focused on their food rather than on anyone else which was comforting for me, I struggle to eat when people are watching me, its unsettling.

We all finished but decided to stay in for a bit because it was raining and we were hoping it would stop soon. We all got talking about different things such as other bands I'm into, we even prank called Vic which was fun until he realised who it was and said next time he can get to us, he was going to 'do evil things' which cheered me up a lot, because I imagined Vic at his height trying to 'do evil things' to me who was about Kellins height which is slightly taller than Vic. That will be entertaining to witness...


Listening to; Badly Broken by Get Scared

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